If climate change gets worse in the future, then the temperature of the world’s oceans will rise

If climate change gets worse in the future, then the temperature of the world’s oceans will rise. As ocean temperatures rise, then hurricanes will become more intense. Therefore, hurricanesin the Caribbean will become more intense in the years ahead. a. Inductive, weak. b. Deductive, sound. c. Inductive, strong. d. Deductive, invalid. https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/climate-change/

We are immersed in life

We are immersed in life. That is because we breathe it in, we walk on it, we touch it. Each footstep on a fertile lawn or forest mat will send tremors to trillions of bacteria, millions of algae, fungi, and protozoa, and hundreds of insects and worms. The skin on our bodies, when viewed microscopically, is a teeming matrix of tiny caverns filled with bacteria, viruses, and mites. Furthermore, so dense are the unseen life forms on our bodies that they form an almost complete shell about each of us. a. Argument; conclusion: We are immersed in life. b. Nonargument. c. Argument; conclusion: We breathe it in, we walk on it, we touch it. d. Argument; conclusion: Each footstep on a fertile lawn ... of insects and worms https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/we-are-immersed-in-life/

The right to healthcare has become a consumer issue

The right to healthcare has become a consumer issue. Historically, the poor either had to be satisfied with a decreased quality of care or to do without healthcare entirely. Today many citizens view equal access to healthcare as everyone's right. An ongoing debate centers on who should pay for this care. a. Argument; conclusion: Historically, the poor ... do without healthcare entirely. b. Argument; conclusion: Today many citizens ... everyone'sright. c. Nonargument. d. Argument; conclusion: An ongoing debate centers on who should pay for this care. https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/right-to-healthcare/

Attempts to use solar energy on a large scale

Attempts to use solar energy on a large scale could have profound results. For example, it could change the albedo of the earth. This is the percentage of sunlight that is reflected back into space. Such an occurrence could cause a substantial change in the temperature of the earth, just as any other energy conversion does, making the planet too hot for life. a. Argument; conclusion: This is the percentage ofsunlight ... back into space. b. Argument; conclusion: Such an occurrence could cause ... too hot for life. c. Nonargument. d. Argument; conclusion: Attempts to use solar energy ... profound results. https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/solar-energy/

The earliest models of the solar system employed what Aristotle

The earliest models of the solar system employed what Aristotle, and Plato before him, had taught was the perfect form: the circle. The simplest possible arrangement -- uniform motion around a circle having Earth as its center -- provided a fairly good approximation to the orbits of the Sun and the Moon. But it could not account for the observed variations in planetary brightness or their retrograde motion. Thus, a more complex model was needed to describe the motion of the planets. a. Argument; conclusion: But it could not account ... their retrograde motion. b. Argument; conclusion: A more complex model ... motion of the planets. c. Nonargument. d. Argument; conclusion: The simplest possible arrangement ... Sun and Moon. https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/models-of-the-solar-system/

Microbiologists work in a variety of settings

Microbiologists work in a variety of settings. Some work in universities where they are likely to teach, do research, and train students to do research. Others work in industrial laboratories to develop or manufacture antibiotics, vaccines, or similar biological products. Even some law firms are hiring microbiologists to help with the complexities of patenting new genetically engineered organisms. a. Argument; conclusion: Others work in industrial laboratories ... products. b. Argument; conclusion: Microbiologists work in a variety of settings. c. Nonargument. d. Argument; conclusion: Even some law firms ... engineered organisms. https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/microbiologists-work/

A crystal is a form of mineral that has grown in an orderly and symmetrical manner

A crystal is a form of mineral that has grown in an orderly and symmetrical manner. When broken, it naturally divides into a common shape based on its structure. Crystals are the result of the atomic arrangement of atoms as they grow in a shape that can be duplicated many times. Crystals are made up of molecules that fit neatly together in an orderly way. All crystals of the same material have the same shape. a. Argument; conclusion: Crystals are the result … duplicated many times. b. Argument; conclusion: When broken, it naturally divides …its structure. c. Argument; conclusion: All crystals ofthe same material have the same shape. d. Not an argument. https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/form-of-mineral/