We are immersed in life

We are immersed in life. That is because we breathe it in, we walk on it, we touch it. Each footstep on a fertile lawn or forest mat will send tremors to trillions of bacteria, millions of algae, fungi, and protozoa, and hundreds of insects and worms. The skin on our bodies, when viewed microscopically, is a teeming matrix of tiny caverns filled with bacteria, viruses, and mites. Furthermore, so dense are the unseen life forms on our bodies that they form an almost complete shell about each of us. a. Argument; conclusion: We are immersed in life. b. Nonargument. c. Argument; conclusion: We breathe it in, we walk on it, we touch it. d. Argument; conclusion: Each footstep on a fertile lawn ... of insects and worms https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/we-are-immersed-in-life/

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