finding an identity as a Latino is a tricky issue in the United States

You should understand that finding an identity as a Latino is a tricky issue in the United States, because the pressure to assimilate is being repressed by the pressure to retain your roots. If you are deemed too assimilated into American culture, you are branded a “gringo” by your peers or even a traitor to your blood and country. Also, if you shun all American culture, then you are branded as a freeloader who would be better off going back to where he came from. a. Argument; conclusion: You should understand that finding … in the United States. b. Not an argument. c. Argument; conclusion: If you are deemed too assimilated … blood and country. d. Argument; conclusion: If you shun all American culture … where he came from. & Answers/finding-an-identity-as-a-latino-is-a-tricky-issue-in-the-united-states/

the consequences of violence for children

Despite what people might think, the consequences of violence for children are very often grave and damaging. Violence may result in greater susceptibility to lifelong social, emotional and cognitive impairments. Also, related mental health and social problems include anxiety and depressive disorders, hallucinations, impaired work performance, memory disturbances and aggressive behavior. Furthermore, early exposure to violence is also associated with later lung, heart and liver disease, fetal death during pregnancy, and suicide attempts. a. Argument; conclusion: Related mental health … aggressive behavior. b. Argument; conclusion: Early exposure to violence … suicide attempts. c. Not an argument. d. Argument; conclusion: The consequences of violence … grave and damaging. & Answers/the-consequences-of-violence-for-children/

Incandescent light bulbs eventually burn out

Incandescent light bulbs eventually burn out because the high temperature of the filament causes tungsten atoms to fly off and collect on the inside of the bulb’s glass. This loss of tungsten is slowed, but not prevented, by introducing argon inside the bulb’s envelope. As more and more atoms are lost, the filament disintegrates. When this happens, no electricity flows through the filament, and the bulb produces no light. a. Not an argument. b. Argument; conclusion: The high temperature of the filament … the bulb’s glass. c. Argument; conclusion: The filament disintegrates. d. Argument; conclusion: When this happens … the bulb produces no light. & Answers/light-bulbs/

The finger prints on the gun match those of the defendant

The finger prints on the gun match those of the defendant. Therefore, the defendant must have handled the gun. a. Inductive, weak. b. Deductive, valid. c. Deductive, invalid. d. Inductive, strong & Answers/finger-prints/

In a random sample of 50 students

In a random sample of 50 students, only 15 said that they regularly read a newspaper. Therefore, probably less than 50% of the student body regularly reads a newspaper. a. Deductive, valid. b. Deductive, invalid. c. Inductive, weak. d. Inductive, strong. & Answers/in-a-random-sample-of-50-students/

Emeralds are more expensive than diamonds

Emeralds are more expensive than diamonds, and diamonds are less expensive than sapphire. Therefore, it necessarily follows that the emerald is more expensive than the sapphire. a. Deductive, valid. b. Inductive, weak. c. Deductive, invalid. d. Inductive, uncogent & Answers/emeralds-are-more-expensive-than-diamonds/

Andrea is the sister of Henry

Andrea is the sister of Henry, and Henry is the brother of Bill. Thus, Bill is the brother of Andrea. a. Deductive, sound. b. Deductive, invalid. c. Inductive, weak. d. Deductive, valid. & Answers/andrea-is-the-sister-of-henry/