finding an identity as a Latino is a tricky issue in the United States

You should understand that finding an identity as a Latino is a tricky issue in the United States, because the pressure to assimilate is being repressed by the pressure to retain your roots. If you are deemed too assimilated into American culture, you are branded a “gringo” by your peers or even a traitor to your blood and country. Also, if you shun all American culture, then you are branded as a freeloader who would be better off going back to where he came from. a. Argument; conclusion: You should understand that finding … in the United States. b. Not an argument. c. Argument; conclusion: If you are deemed too assimilated … blood and country. d. Argument; conclusion: If you shun all American culture … where he came from. & Answers/finding-an-identity-as-a-latino-is-a-tricky-issue-in-the-united-states/

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