Western Civilization II
HIS 102 Research/Annotated Bibliography Assignment
NOTE: This assignment is not a traditional research paper. Your task is to gather sources on your topic and compile an annotated bibliography describing those sources. Research papers will not be accepted and students who submit one will receive a zero on this project. See the library link for details on Annotated Bibliographies: https://libguides.sunysuffolk.edu/annbib
Western Civilization II
Each student will select one research topic from the list below, and will conduct research using online and library resources. Upon completion of your research, you will create and submit an annotated bibliography that lists your sources, describes how they contributed to your research, and produces an accurate and complete description of your research topic. Follow the directions below carefully to ensure that you earn as many points on possible, and consult the project rubric attached. Note, again, that this project is NOT a formal research paper—you only need to write an annotated bibliography after completing your research.
Western Civilization II - Research Guidelines
-Students are free to use online and print sources. You may wish to consult the library’s research tools for History, which can be found here: http://libguides.sunysuffolk.edu/history?hs=a. (From Library Home Page=>Research Guides=>History) I recommend J-STOR (https://www-jstororg.lib1.lib.sunysuffolk.edu/action/showAdvancedSearch) and Project Muse (https://muse-jhuedu.lib1.lib.sunysuffolk.edu/) as good resources for finding academic journal articles.
-All sources should be appropriate for college-level research. Online sources must be scrutinized for credibility and academic quality. Websites with .edu or .gov domains are usually reliable. Organizational sites are generally safe, though keep in mind that anyone can secure a .org web domain. Be particularly weary of blogs and other personal webpages (these are often unsuitable). Also avoid sites geared toward K-12 education/faculty. Reputable articles should have an author, and authors should have disclosed credentials. Google Scholar can be a helpful tool in finding reputable sources. (http://scholar.google.com/schhp?hl=en). If you aren’t sure about a website’s credibility,
send me the link for a second opinion.
-Students should use at least five sources in compiling their research. You are free to use more than five.
Western Civilization II - Textbooks
DO NOT count toward your five-source minimum.
-Students are free to use Wikipedia, which may serve as a useful starting point for finding other sources. Any
information pulled from Wikipedia should be verified through other sources, however, to ensure accuracy.
-No more than ONE reference source (such as Wikipedia, Britannica, Biography.com, About.com, History.com,
etc.) can count toward the five-source minimum. Be mindful that certain library resources, such as Gail Reference
Library and Grolier Online Encyclopedia, count as reference sources. You may also come across reference articles in some of the search databases. Check the citation information for each article you retrieve from databases. Online
teacher resource sites (geared toward K-12 instructors) are also considered reference sources and should generally
be avoided.
-At least THREE of your five sources should come from books, newspapers, periodicals, or academic journals
(online or in printed form). Your research should be much more involved than a simple “Google” search. Find and
use scholarly sources.
Annotated Bibliography Guidelines
-Bibliographies must be typed and should be submitted on time according to the topic due date (see below). Late
bibliographies will be penalized ten points. Papers received after June 25 will be penalized ten additional points.
Papers should be submitted through the Blackboard course page (click “Submit Annotated Bibliography” link) as a
Word attachment, pdf file, or Google Docs file. Be sure to include your name and your topic at the top of the paper.
-Students must cite all sources used in compiling their research.
-Students should list a minimum of five sources in their annotated bibliographies, keeping in mind that only one may
be a reference source, and at least three should be some combination of books, newspapers, periodicals, or academic
-Citations must conform to MLA formatting standards. Use the library’s citation guide, available here:
https://libguides.sunysuffolk.edu/citationNew. AVOID AUTOMATIC CITATION TOOLS (including those from
the Library’s resources)—they are generally unreliable. Follow the examples provided by the library’s citation
guide and make your bibliography entries fit the structure.
-Each source must have an annotation (minimum 5), which should consist of one or more paragraphs (each with a
minimum of 4-5 sentences) describing the source, how the source contributed to the research, and what information
you acquired about your research topic. Refer to the library’s tutorial on annotated bibliographies
Research Topics and Presentation Dates
Topics below are organized under general thematic headings (shown in bold) and are assigned to the due date listed
beside the corresponding heading. Each student will select ONE topic only from any of the lists below. You must
claim your topic by posting it under the appropriate heading on the Blackboard page (see “Research Topic Selection
Forum”) No more than one student per any topic (first to claim on the forum). No more than FOUR student topics
from the same grouping (for example, up to four students may claim topics in the Pre-Columbian and Early America
section; up to four students may select topics in the English Colonization section, etc.).
Projects must be submitted through Blackboard by 11:59pm on the due date to be considered on-time. Click
on the “Submit Annotated Bibliography” link, and attach your file (Word, pdf, etc.).
Enlightenment – Due on Mon July 18
Pierre Bayle
David Hume
Thomas Hobbes
Mary Wollstonecraft
Denis Diderot
Maria Theresa
French Revolution and Age of Napoleon – Due on Tue July 19
War of Austrian Succession
Seven Years’ War
Jacques Necker
Comte d’Artois (Charles Philippe)
Culte de la Raison
The Vendée
Battle of Jena
Industrial Revolution – Due on Thu July 21
British East India Company
Henry Bessemer
Charles Dickens
Emile Zola
New Poor Law (1834)
Restoration, Revolutions, and 1848
– Due on Tue July 2
John Stuart Mill
Henri Comte de Saint
Victor Hugo
Frederic Chopin
Greek Revolution of 1821
Municipal Corporations Act of 1835
Francois Guizot
Louis Blanc
Berlin Uprising (1848)
Hungarian Revolution of 1848
“Five Glorious Days” (Milan)
Nationalism and Unification
– Due on Thu July 28
Crimean War
Prussian Junkers
Wilhelm von Riehl
Dreyfus Affair
-Siberian Railway
Gottlieb Daimler
Louis Pasteur
“Match Girls” Strike (1888)
New Imperialism
– Due on Tue Aug 2
Mungo Park
David Livingston
Joseph Conrad
Jawaharlal Nehru
Muslim League (All
Empress Tzu
Meiji Restoration
Balfour Declaration
Friedrich Nietzsche
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Georges Sorel
First World War
– Due on Thu Aug 4
Gustave Le Bon
Max Weber
Friedrich von Bernhardi
Algeciras Conference
-Japanese War
First Balkan Wa
Thomas Mann
Battle of Verdun
Gallipoli Campaign
Lavr Kornilov
-war Intellectualism and Interwar Period
– Due on Mon Aug 8
Erich Maria Remarque
Arthur Koestler
Arnold Toynbee
José Ortega
George Orwell
Jean Paul Sartre
Second World War
– Due on Tue Aug 9
Washington Naval Conference
-Briand Pact
Kurt von Schuschnigg
Vichy France
Josip Broz
Claus von Stauffenberg
Cold War Europe
– Due on Wed Aug 10
Greek Civil War
Jomo Kenyatta
Mobuto Sese Seko
Konrad Adenauer
Willy Brandt
Lech Walesa
Erich Honecker
Nicholae Ceausescu
Margaret Thatcher
Globalism and Post
-Cold War
– Due on
Thu Aug 11
Nelson Mandela
Pope John Paul II
Boris Yeltsin and “Shock Therapy”
Chechen Wars
Slobodan Milosevic
European Parliament
Sinn Fein
Angela Merkel
Project Rubric
Name/Topic_________________________________ Due Date/Date Received______________
Delivered on time: 10 Points
Bibliography includes student’s name and research topic: 10 Points
Bibliography contains at least five sources:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bibliography contains at least four non-reference sources (no more than one from Wikipedia, History.com,
Biography.com, Britannica, etc.):
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bibliography contains at least three sources from books, newspapers, or academic journals:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Bibliography contains at least five annotations:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Annotations are comprised of paragraph(s) of at least 4-5 sentences:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Annotations effectively describe how each source contributed to research:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Annotations effectively describe the research topic:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Annotated Bibliography is correctly formatted, according to MLA standards:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/western-civilization-ii/
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