The following compares the infant mortality rate

The following compares the infant mortality rate (number of deaths before age of 5 per 1000 births) vs life expectancy by regions of the world. Data source: Population Reference Bureau 2019 The following compares the infant mortality rate   The following compares the infant mortality rate   a) Interpret slope b) State the correlation coefficient, r, and interpret c) Hypothesis testing procedure H0: ρ = 0 (no correlation) Ha: ρ ≠ 0 Find t0 (table 5) and the test statistic for correlation and compare, α = .05, 2-tail test 2 1 2 r t r n = − − , If t > t0 or t < -t0, Reject H0, otherwise do not reject H0. d) State the coefficient of determination, r2 , and interpret e) Find a 95% prediction interval for life expectancy if x = 15 and E = 4 and interpret & Answers/the-following-compares-the-infant-mortality-rate/

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