How to write a personal essay

 personal essay

Personal essay is an important write-up especially for those joining college. A person essay is a way to market yourself to the concerned persons. It is advisable for one to think hard and analyze what describe them best since everything in life matters, but some fact matter most.

How do you write a personal essay?

How do you write a personal essay 

How do you write a personal essay is easy since the examiner issues guidelines on how to start the writing process. As a learner, admission essays will endear you to institutions those provide quality education.

Getting the chance to join such institution means you have to write content that demonstrates your ability to continue to study at the highest level when given the change to join the institution.

How do you start a personal essay for college?

1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

2. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success in your personal essay. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

3. Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

4. Describe a problem in your personal essay that you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma – anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.

5. Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others in your personal essay.

6. Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

7. Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you’ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

Dissertation writing services: Dissertation writing tips

 Doctoral Dissertation Writing Tips

Cheap dissertation writing services make it easy for learners to access quality writing support. Having the necessary dissertation writing tips distinguishes scholars both academically and career-wise. It is clear becoming a doctoral candidate is an extension of earlier student life, and the best way to crown your education. There are aspects of graduate school that are not so different from the undergraduate course work. Example is the class tests and reading assignments. The doctoral dissertation writing brings about a distinction between the two academic levels. Dissertation writing transforms one from a student to a scholar.

What is a dissertation

Dissertation is a distinct from what a learner has done previously mainly because it is a self-directed process. The student is no longer subjected to weekly deadlines, there is no one to instruct them on what to do, and this independence is the reason that this process becomes very intimidating to many graduate students. The process of doctoral dissertation writing can be a stressful experience for an individual that is ill-prepared psychologically about taking on this journey. They might find themselves questioning their commitment to academia.

Dissertation definition: a long essay on a particular subject, especially one written for a university degree or diploma.

            Do some soul-searching

It is the time to determine if attaining a Ph.D. means anything you or not. You might consider developing a list of the reasons that pursuing it is in the best of your interests and also the reasons you should not go any further with it. At the end of your soul-searching, ask yourself whether completing the graduate school will make you happy.

            Seek advice

Just like many other life decisions, getting counseling will help you to make an informed decision. Apart from searching for the resources that can help you decide on this crucial matter, also seek the help of your trusted colleagues or an academic advisor that you have a good relationship with, who can offer advice. A student who is about to finish will also be beneficial in helping you get a clear perspective on the matter. You may also find the university counseling services helpful.

The Five Stages of Doctoral Dissertation Writing

If you resolve to go ahead in pursuant of a Ph.D., then you must be ready for dissertation writing. In Capella University, dissertation writing is viewed as a five-stage process that describes the stage one passes through during their graduate program that helps you to make progress on dissertation writing. These steps include;

  1. Project ideation- throughout the coursework, it is a time when the practices and theories pertinent to your area study are learned. The broad exposure gained at this level will assist you in thinking about the various topics of study you can base your research. It is also at this point when you will learn about research methodologies and research topics in readiness for the development of a project proposal.
  2. Project development-It is the stage for narrowing down all the research topics to find the one you want to base your research. It is at this juncture where you will develop a research plan for the idea you have selected. The research plan will include the theoretical basis of the research topic, the questions that the research will be trying to answer, the methodology, and data analysis. The detailed research plan consists of the content used in dissertation writing. The plan will then be presented to the faculty and await the approval to begin research.
  3. Project implementation. It is the stage where you present the dissertation topic to the Institute Review Board (IRB) to ensure you meet the standards for ethical research. Once you receive approval from IRB, the process of gathering data can commence. It is also at this stage where you will write the content for the remaining chapters.
  4. Project conclusion-It marks the end of the process of data collection and analysis of results. Also, the last two chapters of the dissertation are completed at this stage. It will include a summary of the findings and connect it to the research questions and theories introduced in the earlier chapters.
  5. University approval– It is the final step of the dissertation writing process where you will submit the project to the faculty for approval.

Finding the right topic for your dissertation can be challenging. Or you might have different topics in mind, but unsure about the best topic to select. While you may be expecting the topic selection process to be straight forward, this might not be the case. Below are some of the tips that will help you in finding the research topic.

  • Ensure to find and read dissertations done on some of the related subjects before settling on a given topic. By doing this, you will expose yourself to various ideas on the topic and the different research styles. Although you will find your style when you get down to dissertation writing, first, having a diverse outlook is crucial.
  • Ensure to chose a research topic on an area of study you have passion. It should be a topic that is of interest to you. Although it is essential to follow the lecturer’s advice, your choice goes. After all, you are on a journey to becoming an independent researcher. Also, this is a topic that you will be working on for at least 3-4years. Therefore it should not be something that bores you.
  • You can also come up with a good topic by investigating some of the ideas you had when you were doing your masters. It will involve checking out some of your previous researches during your master studies.
  • Instead of looking for just one perfect topic, you must consider several ideas. You should not dismiss even the craziest notions. You can start with one and then develop different variations of the topic. You can also generate several ideas by thinking of as many topics as possible. Even though you will discard the majority of the topics, they will help you to see the idea that you want to focus on.
  • After settling on the topic, take some time before you start working to find out if it is the right topic for you. You should also confirm that no other researcher has handled such a topic. Take time to develop arguments that are the base of your research topic. Consider if you have access the resources and the information that you need to complete the research.
  • Ensure to develop a precise topic. Most graduates go wrong by developing over-ambitious projects. The key is ensuring to turn the big topic into one research question to make your project less complicated.
  • Through testing of the research topic, you might find that the research questions might change its form.
  • Get advice from an expert before you start writing your dissertation. Seeking help is another way of testing your ideas. The entire process of dissertation writing requires that you maintain regular contact with your advisor so that you may succeed.

You will realize that by following the instructions above, it will become easier to begin the dissertations writing process. However, you should take note that there will be moments when you will feel like you have grown tired of the topic, you should realize that it is a common feeling, and it is not that you have a wrong topic.

Finding Cheap dissertation writing services

Now since you have settled on the topic, developed the ideas and research questions on your research topic, and you have done your research, then it is time to get down to start writing your dissertation. The process of dissertation writing can vary depending on the field of study.

  • Sometimes, you already have the chapter drafts, and therefore, all you require to do is assemble what you have into a final dissertation. It is an approach that is common for students in the Arts and Humanities field, where research goes on in stages.
  • In other cases, it is when one has spent much of the time collecting and analyzing data. In such instances, they will need to write their findings and conclusions. It is applicable in the science and technology fields where data collection and experiment designs are the key areas.

The length of your dissertation

Dissertations vary in length depending on the subject but are longer than the projects you wrote for your masters and undergraduate. Most universities set the upper limit of 70,000 words to 100,000 words. The majority write about 80,000 words.

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            The structure of your Dissertation Writing

  • Dissertation writing begins with an introduction. It includes the project’s objectives explaining the reason that the research topic is significant. The introduction might also contain a summary of the rest of the chapters.
  • A literature review will come after the introduction. It is the section that consists of the literature available on the subject of study. It acknowledges how this existing literature shapes your research while at the same time emphasizing the uniqueness of your work.
  • The chapters that follow will provide a summary of your research results and relate them to your thesis. These chapters might also include research methodology and data analysis. They might also include the development of your research argument in stages that draws on your research results or other sources.
  • The final chapter is the conclusion. It brings together the elements of your thesis and outlines the evidence that confirms it. You will also include the description of the significance of the project and acknowledge the potential for your research applicability outside academia

After writing and reading through your work, you will present the dissertation to the supervisor for their feedback.

How to write a thesis

What is a Thesis Statement?

We refer thesis statement to an essay for a one- or two-sentence condensation of the argument or analysis that is to follow to that condensation as a thesis statement.

Why Should Your Essay Contain a Thesis Statement?

  • to test your ideas by distilling them into a sentence or two
  • to better organize and develop your argument
  • to provide your reader with a “guide” to your argument

In general, your thesis statement will accomplish these goals if you think of the thesis as the answer to the question your paper explores.

How to Increase your Chances of Getting an Approval from your Supervisor

Although your research topic is motivated by the desire to solve a particular problem, your primary goal after the dissertation writing process is getting a doctorate. The most important thing is getting your dissertation approved by the advisor for submission to the committee. Getting past the gatekeeper is the most challenging part because it calls for you to become an expert in the subject matter of your research. As you prepare to face your supervisor, there are questions that you may ask yourself that will enhance your readiness for that moment.

Questions to understand the supervisor’s expectations

  • Is the supervisor expecting me to use a given writing style or approach in my research? A project might be highly empirical, theoretical, or devoted to the development of a particular method. It may also be in the first person, informal, or impersonal tone. Considering these variations, getting a supervisor’s early approval is imperative, rather than making assumptions on their preferred approach and writing style.
  • Which section or chapter does the supervisor consider the most important? Some think the introduction is the most crucial section because it offers the first impression of the study. For others, it might be the literature review, methods section, or the discussion. Since the fate of your paper depends on the supervisor’s reaction, it is in your best interest to find out the part they consider the most important.
  • How does the supervisor like the work cited? Some like many citations, others do not. Some get annoyed by too much citing of the work. It is crucial to get a feel of their preferences early before you get too far with dissertation writing.
  • How long is my supervisor expecting my work to be? As mentioned earlier, the length varies with the subject. Usually, science dissertations are shorter than humanities. However, you should not assume. You can ask the supervisor directly or check from the database to review the work of the people that were your supervisor’s advisees to get an idea of the dissertation length they might prefer.
  • How does my advisor want to be involved in the dissertation writing process? This question will answer whether they expect you to keep checking in regularly to seek their approval in almost every decision. Others prefer to check the work once you have a full draft. You are fortunate if the supervisor is highly involved because you will know their expectations every step of the way. If they are uninvolved, you should utilize the time you get to interact with them as strategically as possible by getting them to offer feedback on the essential elements of your research.

Question the supervisor might ask about your dissertation

  • Does the order of the ideas make sense?
  • Does the abstract of your dissertation provide a clear and accurate description of your research content?
  • Does your style of writing align with the values of your discipline?
  • Are your citations and references following the required style?
  • Is the title of your dissertation a precise encapsulation of the central idea?
  • Have you used the correct formatting for your document?

Reasons that Could Cause you Not To Finish Your Dissertation

  • Having unrealistic expectations

When you underestimate how demanding the doctorate study is, you are likely to fail. While you may have smoothly gone through the undergraduate and masters, a doctorate is a different kind of program that will require lots of seriousness. It also requires lots of effort, and there will be lots of pressure like you have never experienced before.

  • Undisciplined time management

It is no secret that a doctorate takes lots of time. Poor time management is the most common reason that graduate students fail to complete their Ph.D. Sometimes, it can prove challenging to achieve a balance between your busy life and school work. If you are not proactive, you might keep pushing your studies aside

  • Lack of an effective support system

Sometimes studying for your doctorate can be frustrating. Success in this study is partly dependent on a person’s support system. They are the people you surround yourself with as you study. When you have the wrong support system, there will be other things competing for your attention other than schoolwork.

  • Advisor issues

Incompatibility with the supervisor can cause you to fail. An advisor is a person you will be working with for an average of 5 years. Therefore you should pursue a working relationship that will result in your success. You must get an advisor who is working within the area you want to study, and also one with a good reputation for treating students fairly

  • Lack of access to cheap dissertation writing services

Graduate school can be overwhelming, and you can easily give up hope of catching up with the rest when you fall behind on the tasks. Being well organized can help you to get on track and finish your studies. It is also essential to find cheap support to make your writing easier.

  • Poor writing

Not all doctoral students are good in writing doctoral dissertation. You could be passionate about your area of study and articulate in conversations and debates, but it may not reflect in your writing. The problem can be a deal-breaker for you to continue with the doctorate because it calls for superior writing capabilities.  However, it is possible to improve your writing through various methods.

How long is a dissertation

How long is a dissertation? The length of a dissertation vary based on the examiners instructions. Am ideal dissertation is supposed to be 30 pages and above. To be precise, a dissertation is 7000 words, 10000 words or 50 pages and above.

How to write a great college essay: A step-by-step guide


 Knowing how to write a great college essay is important to achieving quality grades. Essay Writing Services US play an integral role in helping students sharpen their writing skills. Learners in college and university need essay writing services to attain their desired grades especially when they have to attend classes while undertaking other activities such as part-time or full-time jobs. Studying at any level is not easy. One has to cope with essay writing and different homework and still meet appointments related to their jobs. If one is exhausted following a long day of work, the chances are writing and submitting quality essay become slim.

What makes a great college essay?

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College essay prompts

knowing how to write a great college essay helps students to produce papers that not only generate interest in readers and the instructor but also alleviate student’s academic struggles trying to figure out what to write in their assignments. Super confidence is what best essay writing services seek to provide to clients who may have the ability to write their papers but have difficulties owing to multiple tasks they have to perform.

The online essay writing services are usually characteristic of quality research conducted by professionally writers who focus on college essay prompts and other academic levels. Because customer loyalty is dependent on the level of satisfaction, adherence to the student’s guidelines and instructions is a priority to ensure high scores for students who entrust such websites for essay writing help and with the expectation of the best essays.

Through provision of informative essays of any type, attractive headings and compelling content, one can persuade the audience on the quality of material conveyed in the educational assignment. The approach focused on affecting knowledge, therefore, is desirable to both the learner and the audience. Article or essay writing demands more dedication and time, which our experienced writers offer to clients seeking assistance in their assignments. Professional essay writers pay great attention to every single detail because they intend to build client loyalty and trust.

Reliable essay writing service

Professional essay writing service plays a significant role in ensuring that students attain the best grade in their course. Besides, with the help of expert essay writers you can achieve the highest score you deserve. Essay writers for hire provide plagiarism-free papers, well structured essays with top-notch grammar. Through the aid of plagiarism checkers, we ascertain the content is original and uniquely designed to meet the specific guidelines provided by the instructor and the student. When expert writers get to work, the intended outcome is the best essays that satisfy customer needs and demands. Most English essay writers are based in the U.S, Canada, UK, Australia, and South Africa.

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Excellence and competence in homework performance begins with the choice of experts a student makes. Professional essay writers with complete understanding of the concepts, fields and writing tasks assigned produce scholarly essays that meets the high score needs by the students. While some online essay writing service providers venture into the business with the sole aim of profit-making regardless of quality of essays they offer to students, a client-oriented online essay writing platform hires essay writers through a thorough skill and experience testing process to eliminate jokers. Professional essay writing service providers constantly trains its writers to ensure them they stay abreast with scholarly writing trends.

how to title an essayThe primary focus of a serious essay writing service provider is acceptable products that meet the client’s expectations and adherent the academic standards of the educational level of the specific student. The minimum qualification for our essay writers is a Master’s Degree in their field of specialization. The delivery process gives room for the client’s response and incorporates all the demands and instructions by the customer to produce the desired quality essay. As a company providing Essay Writing Services, our expert writers offer services to client ranging from high school to graduate students alongside professional essay-demanding careers.

As a company providing the best essay writing services, there is a focus on language use, the choice of words and effective communication with well-articulated ideas. Through the expert essay writers, Academic writing in English is linear; hence, there is one central theme or point. It is to this theme that every part of the essay contributes to the main argument avoiding repetitions or digressions. The process has one primary objective that is to inform.

Critical analysis of ideas rather than summative assertions helps contribute to concrete research centered essays, which meet the required standards. Other considerations in any composition undertaken are the standard written form of the language whereby we focus on the use of precise and accurate writings, which prove planned and organized. It is only through this way that the firm can meet the expectations of clients looking for services for writing essays, term papers, and research papers.

Through the expertise in essay writing services, the writing process also includes being sensitive to the complexity of the language used in literature. Different scholars have had a common assertion that written word is relatively more complicated in comparison with spoken language. When one writes a text, they are lexical dense compared to the language spoken or the language the same person speaks. The written words as scholars state have proportionately more lexical words that the grammatical words. Written texts contain short words though they have longer and more complex phrases. Writers and authors assume that this aspect of complexity is making essays ambiguous and hard to consume.

While the right terminologies have their place in an article, the use of simple language is vital to ensure that an ordinary person can understand the principle the author puts across. The focus of the company is that most of the essays, though initially for academic purposes, end up being published hence attracting a diverse audience.  Through this projection, the written articles use simple though standard language that readers can appreciate the concept communicated by the essay.

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Most academic writing service providers know that students operate under a tight budget. As a result, they ensure they balance affordability of services with super quality essays. Essay writing services pricing policy should not have any hidden fees or extra charges.

High quality essays from scratch

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Every student who hires professional writers considers an assurance of originality in the content provided. Professional essay writing service expert writers are professionally equipped and experienced to write content from scratch.  The essays go through thorough scrutiny and composition to ensure that they are unique and well researched regardless of it being an essay, research paper, a presentation, a speech or a review.

The essay writing service providers ensure they present the client with plagiarism free content through avoiding copy and pasted materials or rewritten essays. Before the client gets the essays or even pays for the service provided, they ensure that the articles show no sign of plagiarism. They achieve this through referencing, in-text citation of knowledge and content borrowed. Another added advantage is that in case a paper shows signs of piracy, the service providers allow the client to return the article and ask for a revised version.

Besides, essay writing service providers help the client save much time in terms of meeting deadlines and effective time management. One quality of an excellent essay writing services is the ability to meet deadlines whether tight or not. Be it a deadline is a few hours away, or days away, writing services ensure that the client gets the essay on time before it is due. This gives the client enough time to go through the composition provided, ascertain whether the content is what he or she wanted, ask for changes and corrections if any, and submit the correct and quality when on time. Every writer has a deadline to work given with penalties imposed if the writer fails to meet the deadline. Such penalties ensure that writers observe time. Some alternative writers can come in once one allocated the work has challenges whosoever hence minimum risks of late submissions.

On the other hand, sourcing for writing services provides the client with an easy way to manage their own time. It is an opportunity for them to concentrate on other projects. Students form a more significant percentage of essays writing services clientele. Such students have numerous projects to work on within a short timeline. Such services, free up some time for them to handle other issues, hence saving them more time.

The third benefit of outsourcing essay writers is the assurance of getting professional writers to work on the project. Essay writing services hire equipped writers with an academic background tailored to a specific subject. Most of them have to show that they have a writing experience on a particular topic before they access a client’s work. Such services ensure that their creative writers have in-depth knowledge on a given topic coupled with the ability to conduct thorough research on the same subject. This ensures that the writer observes chronology, relevance, and logic in writing. Research helps writers provide updated information. Such writers must meet the strict academic standards set by the service providers to ensure quality in work presented. For a writer to work on a particular essay, such a writer must exhibit an understanding of the impact of his or her choice of words in the essay.

Evaluating the reliability of an essay writing service

However, with the rise of frauds in the digital world, it proves hard to trust every essay writing services provider. There exist numerous writing service providers online, some trustworthy, some not. Clients face a challenge of singling one function out of the large and continuously growing number. The question of trust and reliability arises. A client can spot a trustworthy essay writing service in various ways.

While evaluating the best choice, check for one that centers on service-oriented goals. With the rising global economic challenges, high unemployment rate and desperation for survival, people create fake or substandard writing service websites and accounts with the promise to deliver content; nevertheless they end up disappearing with the client’s money without providing the best essay writing service as agreed.

Other essay writers have higher price rates, yet the quality of their work fails to meet the expected quality. Such service providers become money oriented and offer poor service at the expense of the client’s needs and preferences.  However, a significant percentage of essay writing service providers charge less and provide customer or client value by delivering quality work. Before one trusts an essay writing service provider, he or she must ensure the quality of work performed is worth the cost incurred.

Another marker of the trustworthy service provider is one that provides plagiarism free content. Plagiarized content signals a writer who does not take their work seriously, does minimal research and solely depends on copying other people’s work. It also acts as a sign of an unprofessional service provider. Such writers show high chances of unreliability in terms of quality, timeliness and even relevance of work provided. However, a writer worth trusting includes various essay-writing aspects in their work that play a significant role in forming first impressions. They include a referenced work page, correct in-text citation, right formatting of the essay, correct font size, font type, and spacing, minimal grammatical errors or none at all. All these among others indicate that the writer conducted enough research and used their own words in writing the article. Before even reading the content of the composition, the right formatting plays a significant role in creating first impressions.

Before choosing a writer, a client needs to do an evaluation of the service provider’s website and ensure the readability of the content therein. The website acts to weigh a lot in the client’s mind when making a decision. It is essential therefore for a service provider to have an easily accessible website to help the client navigate through the services provided easily. A client ought to consider checking the innovative aspect of essay writers such as allowing clients to ask for drafts before getting the final work to test the writer’s expertise.

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The process of essay writing

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Before the start of essay writing, a genuine service provider should first focus on what he/she wants to write about the client’s demands. The simplest is to outline a proper argument before the start of writing an essay. Structure of an academic essay includes:

  1. An introduction
  2. A thesis statement: The main argument maintained or to be proved.
  3. The body: Discusses the thesis evidence organized in different paragraphs
  4. A conclusion: Summarizes everything together then ties it to the thesis.

A successful expert writer includes at least three solid points that help in supporting the thesis. Each idea should be organized into specific paragraphs and well explained to bring out the indented meaning. To write the best essay, expert essay writers put their thoughts in order by taking notes of what is already in mind about the topic on a piece of paper, a process that helps connect the ideas and organize them.

When the writers get into the real act of putting the ideas into words, an introduction starts to give an overview of the essay and the topic. A synopsis of the essay can be given in this paragraph to provide the reader with a sense of what is contained in the body or the thought that is being argued by the paper. Introductions are instrumental in hooking the reader by capturing the attention, which can be done by starting with a definition of some terminologies, making a quote, or interestingly engage with the reader by proposing a question.

The body of research is the most critical part as it contains the most vital content of the essay. It can be as many paragraphs as possible depending on the amount of information to be conveyed. In this part, the mistake that our writers avoid is writing in an unorganized way that makes the reader understand none of the argument but instead leave him/her in a state of confusion.

Write the available information in an organized and systematic order that the reader can understand. For example, when writing a term paper on historical occurrences, the expert writers organize the points in a chronological order to provide the reader with a flow of events and connect ideas.

Essay writers arm themselves with mastery of grammar, style of writing and punctuation, as these are vital in making each point clear and understandable. Expert essay writers possess the knowledge of the usage of punctuation marks. For instance, the writer should be mindful of where to use commas and where a semi-colon is needed.

Writing of a research paper needs the writer to understand the argument and analyze it. The writers strive to have the central argument point in mind and avoid going off target to side notes of the research topic as this can make the writing to be imprecise. The essay service provider always questions critically the evidence to include; whether the evidence supports the thesis or not to be able to know whether to add it or not. Everything to be used has a clear connection to the research topic, and the writer’s argument is clear to avoid confusing the reader on the intention of the paper.

Presentation of the essay is of importance as the argument itself, and it requires the composition to follow a logical structure that will ensure that the article is focused and does not answer a stray question. Expert writers make sure that each paragraph adds value to the argument being made. To achieve this, the service provider considers the amount that a statement adds and how it links to the evidence, and if he/she finds out that it does not connect then most probably, he/she has strayed from the point. The online essay service writing demands the essay writers to read widely and gain knowledge of the field and topic.

Accompanying quotes to writing helps to expand and back up ideas with fact-based evidence and support argument. However, for a paper to be complete and be free from being accused of plagiarism, it is essential to understand how to cite appropriately any information used from previous work. All natural styles require proper citation of sources as a sign of giving credit to the secondary information source. First, the firm expert writers determine the exact quote that needs to be quoted from the secondary source and relevant to the argument and introduce the source before the quote or write the quote and put the source in brackets at the end of the quote depending on the citation style required. For instance, some people would say that dreams present “profound aspects of personality” (Foulkes 184) while others do believe otherwise.

The expert writers know that the work is to write a paper and not copy-pasting online content or books that belong to others. The Writer possesses a sense of originality and independence. To avoid plagiarism, writers try to paraphrasing the ideas in their own words but not quoting everything on secondary sources. However when paraphrasing they maintain the original meaning of the text and summarize it in other words and different order to provide detailed information.

essay writing servicesAfter writing the well-organized essay, the final task is to conclude. The conclusion contains typically three to four sentences that review the main points but not restating them. The conclusion joins the points raised from the whole argument and brings the essay to an end. The writers provide his/her feeling and views on the topic and clearly establish his/her stand or even issue a recommendation. In cases of a research paper, they put together all the proof and thesis by outlining the critical evidence to show how they prove or disprove the argument.

8 Ways to improve your academic essay writing

A lot of students believe that essay writing is a difficult skill to learn. Whenever the instructor asks them to write a quality academic essay, they panic. However, academic essay writing is an easy to learn for students willing to take the step into reading through the steps outline below.

Develop a debatable and concise thesis statement

Every academic essay writing process begins with coming up with a thesis statement that will be debated through the paper. All research that the student will carry out will be to gather evidence that will support the thesis statement or the main argument. While having the topic can partially guide the research, a thesis statement narrows down the research process to specific sources that provide information (evidence) to back up the thesis.

Create an outline of the essay or essay structure

An outline is a breakdown of what the writer is going to write in the academic essay. Every academic essay writer should know what they will write before the actual writing. The best way to know and express what you are going to say in an academic essay is by making a basic outline of the essay structure. An essay outline also includes the kind of evidence that will support the ideas in every section.

Components of academic essay structure/outline

  • Introduction
  • Thesis
  • Body of the essay including all paragraphs’ topic sentences, supporting ideas and type of evidence to support the points.
  • Conclusion

The guideline or proposed academic essay structure should include at least three points that directly supports the thesis. These points will form the academic essay body.

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Constantly learn and understand basic grammar, punctuation and writing style

Academic essay writing is a learning process that requires impeccable grammar, punctuation and style to present own ideas to the targeted audience. A student who wishes to earn top grades in academic essays must exhibit fine-tuned understanding of basic grammar including subject-verb agreement, consistent and well-though sentence structures, correct articles usage and proper use of first, second and third-person pronouns.

Appropriate use of commas, colons, semicolons and period ensures that ideas flow throughout the academic essay.

As much as possible, academic essay writing should employ active voice instead of passive voice. Active voice sentences are concise and clear to the audience. Unlike passive voice sentences that are boring and lengthy, active voice makes the tone of the essay strong and captivating to the reader.

Master the right vocabulary

An academic essay writer without a “vocabulary bank” can hardly be a professional essay writing expert. An experienced academic essay writer knows the meaning of every word they choose to include in their paper lest they confuse the reader.

It is difficult to convince or persuade the audience that you are an expert academic essay writer if you cannot make a persuasive argument. Mastery of vocabulary is instrumental in a writer’s persuasiveness. Every theme or topic demands a set of vocabulary appropriate to that topic. Most importantly, knowing the right meaning for every word chosen makes the academic expertly compulsive to the audience.

Avoid wordiness. Academic essay writing requires the writer to be economical with words. One word can carry a meaning that would be expressed in three or five words. Wordiness leads to reader’s boredom, inconclusiveness of ideas and wastage of precious space.

The choice of transition words or clauses is crucial to improving your academic essay writing. Do not use transitions that add no value to the sentence or point. For instance, transition words and clauses such as nevertheless, however, but, nonetheless, on the contrary, on the other hand and while introduces a different point of view from the one expressed in the preceding sentence or paragraph.

Proofreading and editing your academic essay

As we write, it is a common phenomenon that we omit or forget some words and punctuation, use less appropriate words or sentence structure and sometimes make spelling mistakes. The macro and micro errors can be rectified during proofreading and editing the paper.

Remember, no academic essay writer is perfect and the way to improve our essay writing is by rereading our essays, and correcting any erroneous elements we may have included.

Avoid most common essay writing errors

A 2008 study sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English found out that the most frequent formal errors in essay writing include: wrong word, missing commas, vague pronoun reference, spelling error, unnecessary commas, missing or unnecessary capitalization, missing word, unnecessary or missing apostrophe, and faulty sentence structure. Proofreading and editing academic essay eliminate most of these common errors.

Understand proper citation and referencing

Improper citation in academic essay writing violates professional writing code of conduct. Failure to attribute other scholar’s or people’s ideas amounts to plagiarism. As a starter kit, students should learn and consult on various citation and referencing styles.

Purdue University provides very comprehensive research and citation resources for students in need of learning various citations and referencing styles including APA, MLA, Chicago and AMA.

Every academic essay writing expert strives to master all the citing styles as various instructors will demand different styles. Free essay writing service   is applicable whenever one intends to ascertain the writer’s ability. It is advisable to ask for free essay sample. There are points to earn in every essay for proper citation and referencing of sources used to provide evidence supporting the thesis.

Read existing academic essays from reliable online and offline resources

An academic essay writer should be lifetime reader. Reading existing essays from scholarly resources can offer students assistance in getting ideas on various components of academic essay writing.

The reading resources given by the instructors have examples of academic essays of different kinds that can offer essay writing help to students. Moreover, the internet provides a global resources reserve for various types of academic essays that the essay writer can read to familiarize with the essay writing process.

Advantages of online essay writing help

Are you asking yourself the question “Who can I pay to write my academic essay paper?” Know that you are not alone. You can enjoy many benefits when you choose to find a professional essay writing service provider online.

  1. Variety of online essay writers

Different online essay writing professionals have specialized in various types of writing. Some are specialist in thesis writing, admission essay writing, persuasive essay writing, argumentative essays, descriptive essays, narrative essays, expository essays and others specialize in two or more of the types.

It is upon you to choose who writes your essay from a pool of various essay writing service providers.

  1. Cheap essay writing service

There is a lot of competition among various essay writing services providers. The competition offers student a chance to choose the best essay writers offering the cheapest essay writing service.

However, if you are looking for essay writing help online, do not choose your essay writer solely based on the prices for their service. There is no need of paying cheaply but getting substandard services. High-quality essays may not come at the cheapest price.

  1. High quality academic essays

Essay writing services providers build client or customer loyalty and trust based on the quality of services they offer. Due to the existing competition among the essay writing companies or writers, the student can get the highest quality essay from the carefully selected essay writer on the internet.

Order for quality Essay Writing Help Register to Order
  1. Fastest essay writing service

Many essay writing service providers operate around the clock. To ensure return customers after service, the essay writers work hard to provide their essay writing service as fast as possible without compromising on quality.

Furthermore, there are thousands of essay writers online that spoils students of choices.  In less than five minutes, a student can assign their order to a ready professional essay writer who delivers the paper within the shortest deadline possible.



Editing and Proofreading Services


As a student, one of the most common ways to get your grades slashed is by a considerable margin is to present an academic paper that is unedited or proofread. Editing and proofreading services play an integral role in improving the quality of content. Whether it is dissertation proofreading, essay proofreading, article proofreading or blog content proofreading, an author must work beyond the writing to deliver that is convincing enough to the readers. The question that emerges all is the time is, where do I find quality proofreading services at affordable prices? How do I know they will protect my content? This is where affordable proofreading services come into play. If you are professionally exchanging ideas through various means such as reports, memos, letters or notes, the first impression is created by the quality of the piece of writing.

Using Microsoft Word track changes feature the editors make corrections to your document and subsequently helps you quickly accept all the proposed changes to your text while relying on comments, suggestions, and corrections listed on the right side.

Furthermore, our proofreaders and editors have passed through extensive scanning to demonstrate their skills and knowledge on this field. We have tested them, and only the most qualified ones are eligible to perform any role on our website.

English Proofreading

Our editing services range from dissertation proofreading, English proofreading, essay editing services, and term paper editing. With our English proofreading services, our staff works on correcting the various errors in a document before providing the final draft. The process involves reviewing the final draft to ensure the paper adheres to consistency and accuracy. Our qualified proofreading staff looks at grammatical correctness, spelling errors, punctuation appropriateness, and adherence to formatting guidelines. The service ensures the absence of grammatical errors introduced during the formatting and editing process. Being the final step after editing, proofreading ensures there are no typographical errors also. Proofreading looks into errors of both small and large magnitudes either missed or introduced during editing. Our editing and proofreading process ensures that your final draft is entirely free of any errors. Some of the issues handled during proofreading include providing correct subject-verb agreement and checking on right word choices.

Our proofreaders with their visual acuity have prowess in language usage and style. They are well equipped with the best proofreading methods and strategies, providing excellence in the final product. Our skilled professionals can spot minute disparities in space. Our services also include errors in the alphabetical or numbering sequence broken down into cross-references, symbol use, and units of measure, abbreviations, use of proper names, italics, and use of underscores. The team also ensures that there are correct references if used in a document. With such proofreading, the expert ensures the reference corresponds to the description and match with the following bibliographical listing.

Proofreading also ensures the author or writer uses the right headings be it headlines, running heads, captions or titles. Our team also looks into the visual elements such as widows and orphans, which refers to the single words or short lines appearing alone at the top of a page or the end of another page. Others include spacing, mechanical faults in uneven ink usage, and errors in word division. Our team also looks into the tables, figures, illustrations, and charts, ensuring consistency and relevance. We also look at the appropriateness of front matter listings such as the table of the content generated. We can proofread 2000 to 4000 words per hour depending on the type of document, hence an assurance of work done fast but competently.

One might wonder why they should seek proofreading services instead of doing it themselves. Our proofreading services come along with advantages. First, one might lack time to proofread their document; this is where we come in. Additionally, our team of proofreaders provides fresh eyes on the material considering the author of a document is always close to the content hence prone to overlook mistakes.

Always it is recommended as a writer you know where to start, and the things your editing and proofreading expert has achieved. It is essential to consider learning grammar techniques through apps and websites that offer sentence, paragraph, vocabulary, and words organization guide.

Duolingo English: An app found in both iOS and Android with powerful logarithms to help learns to improve their sentence structure and vocabulary. It has extensive use which makes it an excellent place to start.

LingoDeer — Learn Languages: LingoDeer is an interactive English language-learning app that allows you to interact with it in a structured and contextualized way.

Learn English with Babbel: Babbel focuses more on helping English language learners acquire basic conversational skills.

Someone may decide to submit content without proofreading for fear of incurring costs in seeking proofreading services. We have free online proofreading tools to help in the process. Our proofreading tools ensure one gets quality content concerning the description given. With the provision of useful feedback on the quality of writing, one gets the opportunity to improve on areas that need change. The online tools have sections such as grammar check, writing suggestions, and plagiarism checking. With grammar check, the user can check on the grammatical inclination of the document and make the necessary changes. The grammar check feature finds the errors that the writer may fail to see, with an additional opportunity to correct them before terming the document final.

Additionally, online proofreader allows the client to improve their writing. During the proofreading process, the tool, through providing writing suggestions, indicates the quality of the document in terms of style, word choice, or vocabulary words that need improvement. The online proofreader also provides a plagiarism check section. With such a feature, the writer checks, against a vast majority of online sources, to ensure the document is plagiarism free and any borrowed content has attribution to the owner. To ease the proofreading process, the proofreading tool provides colorful highlighting on potential parts that need correction or improvement.

Our online proofreading tool caters for all documents and writing that need a checkup for finality. Whether it is a professional email that one needs to correct before sending to avoid embarrassments that accompany messages with errors. Documents that need proofreading can be eBooks that an author wishes to give a final check before online distribution. Additionally, essays that student has to submit to the professor for academic purposes. Research papers for academic fulfillment or personal purposes, speeches for presentation, blog posts for content creation or any other kind of written English that need a more delicate touch before publication. Our tool provides a chance for everyone to express them better.

Our online tool provides services to various individuals. Teachers who need to improve their students’ English can use the tool. Students also use the tool to proofread their assignments before submission. The business people also need the tool in preparing their presentations to ensure they provide the right information to attract potential clients and avoid simple grammatical errors that may present avoidable embarrassments. Content creators can also utilize the service to ensure they get the right and correct information out to the public and vast audience. Marketers also use the service to present the best and convincing message to attract potential customers.

Grammarly: The best tool so far in the market. It checks grammar, sentence structure, wording, passive voices, misused vocabulary and plagiarism

Turnitin: One has to register through a recognized institution to use it. The tools are technical and require reading tutorials to understand it well to avoid destroying all the content. Best for plagiarism and grammar (Advanced option). Highly recommended

GINGER: It is an excellent tool that as the ability to reorganize a sentence to read better. Caution: Be keep while using it can interfere with content flow.

Slickwrite: Free + Premium

Polishmywriting: Free

eAngel Proofreading: Free + Premium

smallseotools: Free

Eliscorewriters: Free registering to get human help.

EliteScoreWriters also provides essay editing services for its clients. Our editing involves a detailed review of the submitted essay, ensuring it is fit for submission. This service requires the revising of a draft of a document to ensure clarity, consistency, and grammatical correctness. Unlike proofreading, that includes suggesting areas of change and improvement, the editing services involves correcting the document. In the editing process, our teams of experts check out if the report presents the message in the right tone and ensures correct sentence structure coupled with looking out for spelling mistakes. Essay editing gives valuable feedback to the writer accompanied with suggestions on how one may improve the readability of a document. Editing gives a piece of writing the best flow of ideas providing actual content.

The editing service helps in making revisions in the content of a document regarding formatting style to perfect APA, MLA, Chicago, Oscola among other styles. The process also involves identifying and correcting all grammatical errors to ensure proper content follow. The Elite Score Writers team check the content to ensure every bit of writing addresses the instructions provided. All these are done to improve the overall readability of both technical, scientific, art, and humanities essays.

Our editing services cater to diverse clients. For English Language Learners who use English as a second language find such a service advantageous. The service provides ESL students editing in their academic writing for grade purposes, or admission essays, giving them a better chance at joining their dream schools. It also caters for their dissertation essays or personal editing aimed at conveying the intended message as their counterparts whom English is a first language. Considering how hard editing thesis is, our services provide rewarding pieces that put accuracy into consideration. EliteScoreWriters essay editing services also cater to students in terms of admission essays or drafts of their assignments. It gives a student with a worthy admission paper or personal statement granting them a better opportunity of gaining admission in excellent schools.

The service also provides business editing for blog posts, business documents used for presentations or write-ups for company website upload. For business edits, our editing service ensures it does not distort the author’s voice at the end. Individuals who wish to engage in personal editing benefit from our services; it can be editing of personal documents or resumes for potential job vacancy application. The advantages of using our essay editing services help one meet a strict deadline while avoiding pressures of submission. Our editing software and teams ensure competent delivery work on time and ready for use. Our teams of specialized editors know what to edit and how to go about a project ensuring it meets the submission guidelines and essay instructions together with the university policies. The team also ensures the references appear as the guidelines provide in the formatting section of the assignment or essay.

Writing a Dissertation is a vital process for any academician, and no one would wish to submit a substandard work posing a risk to lose the admired achievement. Students struggle to consolidate such academic work together, reread, and edit where necessary to polish the final draft before submission. However, it is possible to oversee some mistakes when proofreading and editing your work. It is at this aspect where our services are vital to helping in the identification and correction of such omissions to help improve the quality of the work. Yes, it’s the dissertation that you devotedly and alone have researched and worked on with the desire to have it presented perfectly. After reviews and revisions, it is now time that an expert proof-reader thoroughly looks into any of those seemingly slight issues which may have dodged you in our affordable proofreading services.

Our services involve first appreciating and understanding the effort placed upon the write-up. One’s work has hard work input, and we know that it is the desire of an individual to hand in the action without ambiguity or shortcomings of language. Through our services, it is possible to handle diverse issues while proofreading your work. Such will include proofreading and editing of work both involved in a single fee. Proofreading is done to correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and typology. While one can identify either of this while writing or after writing and fix them, some of the mistakes go unnoticed and require careful proofreading which our professionals do.

It is essential to check the type of methodology, data analysis technique used, and theoretical framework. These items are the most essential and ensuring they conform to the research context increases the validity of the results obtained. The process ensures that there is a coherent flow of ideas from the introduction to the conclusion parts of the dissertation rendering it authentic and presentable with the desired quality.

Through our English proofreading services, we will do enormous work on your dissertation to improve its quality through various means, as mentioned here. In this process, the professionals ensure that the quality of the writing improves, without changing the ideas therein, but improving on the communication aspect of the article. The services are made possible due to the team that is comprised of professional native speakers who have an understanding of the language used for writing such a paper hence easy to have the right inclusions in the article. They enhance the style, clarity, syntax, and paragraph and sentence structure for a refined and academically written Text. The correction goes beyond to include formatting such as references, in-text citations, and footnotes. Since a dissertation is detailed writing, it is essential to ensure one communicates to the writers buy offering clear content.

EliteScoreWriters also capitalizes on term paper edition as one of the assistance to diverse clients. Students need different term papers at the end of each semester, and it is the responsibility of the firm to ensure that our clients give out quality work. The editing process does not change the ideas but instead works on them to be presentable and meet the examiner’s expectation. The company’s term paper team comprises of qualified and well — educated proofreaders and editors, who are Native English speakers.

Moreover, the team possesses academic and scientific experience in diverse disciplines and subject areas to meet the specific needs of clients in different subjects. The company boasts of the team with vast experience from writing their term papers, essays, reports, and assignments, to having taught, graded, and examined at the university level. All the term paper editing team has also published their scholarly writing. It is evident, therefore, that they conduct a process they have experience on and have the ability to perform.

Additionally, the team has expertise in the writing of students and the demands of instructors working across an extensive range of disciplines at multiple different universities in different countries which is a significant benefit for our clients in preparing their assignments. Through the use of Native English speakers, we seek to help many of our clients, who are postgraduate students and are not Native Speakers of English but are studying at English language universities, where they often attempt to document long and complicated scholarly documents in English for the first time. Any person who is in this situation can find that there are impossibilities of thorough and effective proofreading. However, there is hope since EliteScoreWriters through its term paper editing, and proofreading provides a solution that wills grand you more confidence in your assignment and improves your grade. Therefore, you can request for assistance any time our services are available all through.

Moreover, a full course in an institution of higher learning like the university is a challenge to maintain successfully. There are many assignments given, laboratory experiments to write results one and vast reading of different scholars. Work can be overwhelming if one has other activities to undertake, like when learning as a part-time student. The first course in all these undertakings is to compile term papers, reports, and essays that have excellent content, and that meet the expectations of the tutors. Instructions for learners especially those in their first year of study can involve creation and maintenance of a persuasive academic argument or how to structure and compile a scientific paper which utilizes effective methods and evidence given by research findings. Such qualities are necessary if you wish to earn top grades, but they are not the only requirements for successful scholarly writing.

How to make friends in college


It is good to know how to make friends in college. Making friends in college is usually terms as an easy process since it is easy to meet new people. Unfortunately, making friends in college is not as easy as we may assume. I got a chance to listen to an interview between Steve Harvey and two 100-year-old friends! I couldn’t hide my surprise at how two people could be by each other’s side for that long and still look straight into each other’s smiley faces, complete each other’s sentences and choose to be pals with each other for the rest of their lives. Considering the number of friendships I have had to terminate, it was a great challenge for me to reconsider what it was that I did differently. After lengthy research and interviews with people who have had long-term troubles, I’m certain that I now have the complete recipe of forging meaningful friendships.

How to make friends in college

 One of the mistakes that most of us make in companionship's is that we look for qualities of a good friendship instead of building these qualities as a way on how to make friends in college. In the end, we end up being frustrated at most of the friends that we have and thus prefer to be by ourselves or ride along in pretentious friendships.

At this point in the article, I would like to stress that there is nothing as dehumanizing as wasting other people’s time in plastic friendships. If you took a second to consider how important friendships are, then you would turn a new leaf immediately. Many notable unions and relationships started from mere friendships as a way on how to make friends in college. For instance, Bill and Hillary Clinton knew each other way from High School. The same is the case with Barrack and Michelle Obama who met when they were both in college. When you come to the business world, there are notable cases of friends who went up to build multi-million business empires.

It is correct to state how to make friends in school today has the potential of blooming into great interactions in the future. It is, therefore, prudent not to take them for granted as a way on how to make friends in college. If you feel you are not in a position to play your part in a friendship, then it is only prudent that you remove yourself from the equation. But what does it mean to perform one’s role in a friendship? This the one-million-dollar question for many of us. Fortunately, my research will offer you simple, practical, and manageable pieces of advice that will help you be a perfect friend and enable the other party to give their best.

  1. Have Shared Qualities as a way on how to make friends in college

It would be foolhardy to feel comfortable around a person with whom you cannot sustain a discussion or end an argument in good faith. In the same vein, a person who does not understand your jokes, your fashion tastes or even cultural inclinations will undoubtedly seem like a stranger all the time. Therefore, it is always more meaningful if you start a friendship with a person with whom you will feel comfortable. In most cases, you will share quirks, habits, ways of thinking and hobbies with such kind of people.

However, do not consider one’s physical appearance when learning how to make friends in college. Going into friendship with someone with the same color of eyes or height as yours is useless if you have nothing common in your personalities. In the same vein, do not discredit a person who does not share in your interests the very first time you meet. If such people are interested in knowing you more and learning aspects about your life, then they offer a great chance of being your long-term friends. With time, you will find both of you sharing many things in common.

2. Have Fair Expectations from Your Friend

From the onset, it is essential to understand that in as much as you may have shared qualities, and there are still situations that will always place the two of you in different places. As a young person, there will be circumstances caused by hormones, school anxiety, family and identity. In this manner, it will be suffocating if you place a lot of expectations for your friend. When they fail to pick your calls at some moments, help you out with your assignments daily or accompany you to your favorite functions, do not get pissed off.

Instead, groom a friendship that thrives on giving. Always offer your friend support as much as possible without expecting anything in return. Inspire them, help them out with the home chores and school tasks and support them in their aspirations as much as possible. Such actions will reach deep into your friends being, and they will also try as much as possible to go out of their way for you.

3. Avoid Irrational Jealousy as a way on how to make friends in college

It is highly likely that your friend will have other friends too and this is a way on how to make friends in college. In this manner, it will be debilitating on your side to feel so possessive of them. Remember that you should not expect your friend to reciprocate your actions. Therefore, when they are spending some time with other friends, or they do not visit you for some time, it would be irrational to start distancing yourself from them. Always stay assured that your friend will treat you the same way you treat them. Therefore, continue finding time for them and being helpful in whatever situation they may be going through and in the end, the same will come back to you-sometimes in unexpected ways.

A delicate situation in friendships is normally between people of the opposite sex. Sometimes, your feelings of jealousy may stem from a conscious or unconscious desire for you to date them. When such occurs, it is prudent that you soul search and find out exactly where you stand. If you feel there is an additional attachment to the person other than friendship, it is better you tell them frankly or else you will be in for emotional turmoil.

4. Listen More than You Talk as a way on how to make friends in college

There is nothing that puts off a friend like a selfish monologue. The friend will feel neglected and unappreciated. Therefore, always ensure that you have a productive dialogue with your friend especially by wanting to know how they are faring as a way on how to make friends in college. Talking less gives the platform for your friend to relay their frustrations, concerns, and aspirations which usually gives them a sense of relaxation. In the end, when you get a chance to air your views, they will listen intently in reciprocation to your initial careful listening. However, careful listening does not mean staying stone entirely through the conversations. Offer significant inputs to help your friend really what they have in mind.

5. Show your Friend you are Proud of Them

There are various things you can do to show your friend that you care about them and hope to share the relationship for a long time coming. The best way to show them you are confident about your friendship is to introduce them to other friends and your family. This move is also necessary as there will be a presence of intermediaries in case you and your friend go through some misunderstandings. Moreover, through the other people, your friend will get a chance to know about your other attributes thus enable you two to blend seamlessly.

6. Honesty is Important and the best way on how to make friends in college👈

The idea that keeping some information from a person is protecting them is misleading. Imagine if a scenario where someone withholds something about you as a way on how to make friends in college. How will you feel? Definitely, you will be pissed off since revealing the information could have helped you find solutions. Therefore, when you are not totally honest with a friend, you make them feel the same way. Honesty also entails looking deep into your heart to determine whether you have the right motives in the friendship. If you are in it since the friend gives you popularity, financial favors or other benefits, then you should end the friendship. Friendships are for life and not convenience thus you should be involved in it through all the thick and thin that may come on your way. In this manner, if your motives are selfish, you are wasting the other party’s time.

7. Signs You Should Quit the Friendship

Even though the article emphasizes being proactive in sustaining friendships, various red flags will clearly show you that the friendship is not worth fighting for. However, wait for a persistent recurrence of these signs instead of acting immediately one of them emerges. First, when your friend continually compares you to his or her other friends then its time you let go. The situation is especially precarious when the comparison always puts you on the negative side. Second, if your friend does not listen to you at all, then you are in the wrong place. Third, in case your friend persistently criticizes you, but they don’t accept the same from you, then they are not worth keeping. Finally, friends with drastic changes in moods are a dangerous lot. The situation implies that they have not yet found a special place for you in their lives.

It is undeniable that finding the best friend is a dream of many as a way on how to make friends in college. However, it will be a dream worth living if your friend acknowledges that you made the friendship work. Therefore, be patient, consistent and honest but also observant enough to know when it is not working.

Admission essay


Professional admission essay is important to successfully start your journey to your favorite school or university. Irrespective of which college you would like to enroll at, you will need to write a high-quality admission essay writing services to elaborately explain to the institution why you deserve a spot to study in that particular learning organization. Without the writing skills such as exceptional creativity, proper grammar and organization, despite having good reasons for your desire to join a specific college or university, you may miss the opportunity of a lifetime.

How do you write an admission essay?

It is not an easy task to write an admission essay that guarantees you high chances of being accepted in your preferred learning institution.

A creative and highly compelling essay demands skills and often experience to understand the tenets and the most appealing ways to express your need to the admission committee.

How do I write an essay for college?

If you are wondering how do I write an essay for college, it is okay to ask for help from expert admission essay writers. Elite Score Writers produces a remarkable essay with strict adherence to the specified deadline and client instructions. You only need to tell us what you want to see in your admission essay and we will, from scratch, write a customized, high-quality paper for you.

How do u start an essay?

To answer the question, how do I start an essay requires having the necessary skills.

How do you write a personal essay for college?

Writing a personal essay requires you to start with a question, add a bold statement, use an interesting quote, put the reader in medias res, that is, in the middle of things, and challenge the reader by speaking directly to him/her. Another important approach is telling the reader what you do NOT want to do in your writing.

The admission essay we produce are exceptional, and our commitment and dedication is a grammatically superior paper, free from plagiarism and creatively designed to befit your educational level and discipline.