What is FDI?

What is FDI? Identify one region where foreign investment has had a notable impact on its development. Describe how that investment has affected that region's development. https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/what-is-fdi/

Identify the four main industry sectors

Identify the four main industry sectors and briefly describe or give examples of the types of activity found within each one. https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/identify-the-four-main-industry-sectors/

What is "human capital" and why is it important for economic development?

What is "human capital" and why is it important for economic development? https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/what-is-human-capital-and-why-is-it-important-for-economic-development/

Describe the difference between ethnocentrism and xenophobia

Describe the difference between ethnocentrism and xenophobia. Identify a region where an ethnic-based conflict occurred, and briefly describe that conflict. https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/describe-the-difference-between-ethnocentrism-and-xenophobia/

What is a diversified economy?

What is a diversified economy? Why is this important for regional development? In your response, discuss an example of a region with diverse economic activity and a region that does not have diverse economic activity.   https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/what-is-a-diversified-economy/

Identify and describe three aspects that can affect governance or political administration of a region

Identify and describe three aspects that can affect governance or political administration of a region. Briefly describe one example of a region that exists in the world today where such aspects might be challenging.     https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/identify-and-describe-three-aspects-that-can-affect-governance-or-political-administration-of-a-region/

Identify and describe three reasons failed states might be a concern to the surrounding region

Identify and describe three reasons failed states might be a concern to the surrounding region. Describe an example of a failed state that exists in the world today. https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/identify-and-describe-three-reasons-failed-states-might-be-a-concern-to-the-surrounding-region/