Supply chain management questions

Supply chain management questions

Question 1 Select a real passenger car manufacturer and identify its THREE (3) suppliers of parts or components. [100-150 words] (15 marks)   Question 2 Company GSC has recorded the sales for seven (7) periods as shown below:
Period Actual Sales (units)
1 102
2 96
3 90
4 110
5 115
6 105
7 123
Sub-questions Marks allocation
(a) Compute the MAD using the Naïve approach for periods 4 to 7. 9 marks
(b) Compute the MAD using the 3-period moving average method for periods 4 to 7. 9 marks
(c) Compute the MAD using the exponential smoothing method with a smoothing constant of 0.3 for periods 4 to 7. Assume the forecast for period 1 is 100 units. 9 marks
(d) Comment on the results obtained in parts (a), (b) and (c). Identify the most accurate method and use it to forecast the demand for period 8. 3 marks
Sub-total 30 marks
  Note: Keep the above workings and answers to ONE (1) decimal place.     Question 3 Identify ONE (1) industry and discuss how its global supply chain has been disrupted by the Russia and Ukraine war. [150-200 words] (20 marks)     Question 4 Identify an existing manufacturer located in Asia and describe its products briefly. Provide FOUR (4) reasons on why the manufacturer is located at that Asian country. [150-200 words] (20 marks)   Note: For questions 1, 3 & 4, indicate the words count at the end of your discussion.         A maximum of 15 marks will be awarded for the following considerations:
Criteria Marks
Good organisation and presentation of the report: such as proper cover page and headings etc. Suitable use of diagrams, pictures or photographs for illustrations. Submit ONE (1) document in MS word format. 5 marks
Proper use of academic referencing (APA style). The number of references provided. 5 marks
Proper use of British English, spelling, grammar, punctuations. Use of consistent font type, font size, line spacing etc. 5 marks
  ~ End ~ & Answers/supply-chain-management-questions/

Noncustodial Fathers – Where Have They All Gone

Noncustodial Fathers – Where Have They All Gone? Research has shown that the involvement of noncustodial fathers in the lives of their children can both reduce negative outcomes found in many never-married families and may actually increase positive outcomes. Thus, most agree that encouraging fathers to get involved with their children should be a goal of a society. Interestingly, many argue that many current social policies actually discourage father’s involvement in the process. After reading your text and conducting research on the web what factors do you feel keep many noncustodial fathers from being involved in their children's lives? What are the benefits to having both parents involved in the lives of their children? Do you believe that the high rate of absent fathers in our society today is linked to our high rates of teenage pregnancies? What can be done in your own community to encourage noncustodial fathers to become more involved? Noncustodial Fathers – Where Have They All Gone 2. Your initial post (your response to the topic) must contain a citation. It is your ideas supported by research. Please refer to the APA Power Point in the Start Here section of the classroom for information on proper formatting. There will be a deduction of 20 points for failure to citea source within your initial post and to provide a reference at the end of your initial post. & Answers/noncustodial-fathers-where-have-they-all-gone/

Cyberattacks are on the rise and frequently in the news

Cyberattacks are on the rise and frequently in the news. Locate a recent article or articles about a cybersecurity attack(s) on businesses and/or governments. The article must be less than one year old and at least 300 words long. Write a summary of the article. Explain what the attack was, how it was perpetrated and by whom, what was the impact of the attack, what actions are being taken to prevent these types of attacks in the future, and if known, what is being done to address the perpetrators. Your write up should be one page or longer (500+ words) and well written without spelling or grammatical errors. & Answers/cyberattacks-are-on-the-rise-and-frequently-in-the-news/

Describe how financial ratios are used to justify investment

Describe how financial ratios are used to justify investment and accounting decisions based on the overall economic outlook. In other words, are ratios used to make a financial decision or support one? What if any physical or emotional sensations do you believe financial managers experience when the market is thriving, volatile, or bearish? & Answers/describe-how-financial-ratios-are-used-to-justify-investment/

Consider a variation of the linear city model of Hotelling

Consider a variation of the linear city model of Hotelling. Buyers are uniformly distributed in a line of length one, where L is the left end and R the right end. Two firms 1,2 compete in prices. Firm 1 is located at distance 1/3 from the left end and firm 2 is located at distance 1/3 from the right end. Since the distance between L and R is 1, this means the distance between firms 1 and 2 is 1/3, as shown in the following diagram. Any buyer purchases one unit of the good from either firm 1 or firm 2. For any buyer, the good has benefit v > 0. To purchase the good from a firm, any buyer has to (i) pay the price set by the firm and (ii) pay the cost of transportation to travel to the firm. The unit transportation cost is 4. Let p1, p2 be the prices set by firms 1,2. (a) [4 points] Consider a buyer b who has distance x from L. Suppose this buyer is on the right of L and left of firm 1, as shown below. In terms of p1, p2, x, determine when this buyer will buy from firm 1 and when it will buy from firm 2. (b) [4 points] Consider a buyer b who has distance x from L. Suppose this buyer is on the right of firm 1, but on the left of firm 2, as shown below. In terms of p1, p2, x, determine when this buyer will buy from firm 1 and when it will buy from firm 2. L (left end) R (right end) distance 1/3 Firm 1 Firm 2 distance 1/3 distance 1/3 L (left end) R (right end) buyer b Firm 1 Firm 2 L (left end) R (right end) Firm 1 buyer b Firm 2   Consider a variation of the linear city model of Hotelling & Answers/consider-a-variation-of-the-linear-city-model-of-hotelling/

Consider a Cournot duopoly with two firms

Consider a Cournot duopoly with two firms 1,2. Let q1, q2 be the quantities produced by firms 1,2. The price p is given by the inverse demand p = 18 − Q where Q = q1 + q2. The unit cost of firm 1 is c1 = 5 and the unit cost of firm 2 is c2 = 12. (a) [4 points] Drawing the best response functions in a diagram, identify Nash Equilibrium (NE) quantities of firms 1,2 and find their numerical values. (b) [4 points] Suppose firm 2 is constrained by capacity K2 = 1, while firm 1 has no capacity constraint. Draw the best response functions and find NE quantities of this capacity constrained duopoly. (c) [4 points] Suppose firm 1 is constrained by capacity K1 = 3, while firm 2 has no capacity constraint. Draw the best response functions and find NE quantities of this capacity constrained duopoly. (d) [4 points] Suppose both firms 1,2 are capacity constrained. Firm 1 is constrained by capacity K1 = 3 and firm 2 is constrained by capacity K2 = 1. Draw the best response functions and find NE quantities of this capacity constrained duopoly. You can use the following result without proving it For a Cournot duopoly with inverse demand p = a − Q, where firm 1 has unit cost c1 and firm 2 has unit cost c2, the best response functions are given as follows. Best response of firm 1 (BR1) to q2 is: choose q1 = (a − c1 − q2)/2 if q2 < a − c1 and choose q1 = 0 if q2 ≥ a − c1. Best response of firm 2 (BR2) to q1 is: choose q2 = (a − c2 − q1)/2 if q1 < a − c2 and choose q2 = 0 if q1 ≥ a − c2. & Answers/consider-a-cournot-duopoly-with-two-firms/

Consider a Bertrand duopoly with two firms

Question 1 [8 points] Consider a Bertrand duopoly with two firms 1,2 who sell the same good that has demand curve Q = 16 − p if p < 16 and Q = 0 if p ≥ 16. Both firms have same constant unit cost 4. Firms 1,2 set prices p1, p2. If they set different prices, the firm which sets the minimum price receives the demand at that price while its rival receives zero demand. If both firms set the same price, they equally split the demand at that price. (a) [4 points] Fix p2 = 3. Draw the profit of firm 1 as function of p1 and find all best responses of firm 1 to p2 = 3. (b) [4 points] Fix p1 = 7. Draw the profit of firm 2 as function of p2 and find all best responses of firm 2 to p1 = 7 & Answers/consider-a-bertrand-duopoly-with-two-firms/