Many women have been elected to political offices in recent years

Many women have been elected to political offices in recent years. Therefore, it is likely that the next American President will be a woman. a. Inductive, prediction. b. Inductive, analogy. c. Inductive, authority. d. Deductive, categorical syllogism. & Answers/many-women-have-been-elected-to-political-offices/

Michelle is an agnostic

Michelle is an agnostic. Therefore, she doesn’t have any belief either way about whether God exists. a. Deductive, synonym. b. Inductive, analogy. c. Inductive, authority. d. Deductive, hypothetical syllogism & Answers/agnostic/

Judy and her friend Claire both love art exhibits

Judy and her friend Claire both love art exhibits, and Judy thought that the painting exhibit at the museum was superb. Therefore, probably Claire would like that exhibit, too. a. Inductive, authority. b. Deductive,synonym. c. Inductive, analogy. d. Deductive, hypothetical syllogism & Answers/art-exhibits/

If people can talk to the dead

If people can talk to the dead, then the dead are still alive. People cannot talk to the dead. Therefore, the dead are not still alive. a. Deductive, disjunctive syllogism. b. Inductive, causal. c. Deductive, hypothetical syllogism. d. Inductive, analogy. & Answers/if-people-can-talk-to-the-dead/

Imagine that square A is placed inside a circle B

Imagine that square A is placed inside a circle B. It follows that the area of A is less than the area of B. a. Inductive, prediction. b. Inductive, analogy. c. Deductive, hypothetical syllogism. d. Deductive,mathematics. & Answers/imagine-that-square-a-is-placed-inside-a-circle-b/

If I do not attend class

If I do not attend class, then I will get a bad grade on the test. I did get a bad grade on that test. Therefore, I did not attend class. a. Inductive, weak. b. Deductive, invalid. c. Inductive, cogent. d. Deductive, valid. & Answers/if-i-do-not-attend-class/

If AC – 10 cm and EC -3x – 7, for what value of x is ABCD a parallelogram? & Answers/if-ac-10-cm-and-ec-3x-7-for-what-value-of-x-is-abcd-a-parallelogram/