Would programmatic advertising be applicable for GE

Would programmatic advertising be applicable for GE, or should they approach sites and apps and do direct deals only? Come up with a pie chart explanation of how you would break out your budget to reach this target audience for GE. In addition, respond to the following questions: 1. How does scale and targeting differ by offering (TV, outdoor, radio, digital, etc)? 2. Why would audience targeting be important for a brand like Coca Cola vs. GE Appliances? 3. What advantages are there for social and native formats for GE? 4. Would programmatic advertising be applicable for GE? https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/programmatic-advertising/

What is the carrying value of the investment as of March 31, 2020?

What is the carrying value of the investment On April 1, 2019, Padayon Co. acquired a 5-year bond with a face value of P1,200,000 and stated interest of 10% per year payable annually on December 31. The bonds were acquired to yield 12%. The bonds are to be appropriately classified as financial asset at amortized cost. What is the carrying value of the investment as of March 31, 2020?   a. 1,116,375 b. 1,117,716 c. 1,127,104 d. 1,140,515 https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/what-is-the-carrying-value-of-the-investment-as-of-march-31-2020/

Which of the following is not dealt with by PAS 41?

Which of the following is not dealt with by PAS 41?
a. The accounting for biological assets.
b. The initial measurement of agricultural produce harvested from
the entity’s biological assets.
 c. The processing of agricultural produce after harvest.
https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/which-of-the-following-is-not-dealt-with-by-pas-41/

biological assets relating to agricultural activity should be measured using

Generally speaking, biological assets relating to agricultural activity should be measured using
a. Historical cost.
b. Historical cost less depreciation less impairment.
c. A fair value approach
d. Net realizable value
https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/biological-assets-relating-to-agricultural-activity/

Securities classified as financial asset measured at amortized cost are reported at

Securities classified as financial asset measured at amortized cost are reported at
a. acquisition cost.
b. acquisition cost plus amortization of a discount.
c. acquisition cost plus amortization of a premium.
d. fair value.
https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/securities-classified-as-financial-asset-measured-at-amortized-cost-are-reported-at/

What is the Pl at 16% What is the IRR of the replacement decision?

What is the Pl at 16% What is the IRR of the replacement decision? Joley's department store has recently received the results of a study that suggests that potential sales are being lost because many customers dislike having to use the elevator in Joley's and prefer to go across the street to Foske's department store, which has an escalator Consequently, Joley's is considering the replacement of the elevator with a new escalator. The elevator was purchased 8 years ago for $160,000 and is being depreciated (straight-line) to a salvage value of $40,000 10 years from now. It can be sold today for $80,000. The escalator can be purchased for $300,000 and would be depreciated (straight-line) to a salvage value of $100,000 in 10 years. In addition, Joley's anticipates that having an escalator rather than an elevator will increase sales by $20,000 annually and decrease operating expenses by $5,000 annually. Joley's has a marginal tax rate of 25% h) What is the present book value of the elevator? What is the initial cash outflow associated with the replacement of the elevator? Be sure to include any required changes in working capital. j) What will be Jaley's incremental change in annual cash flow if they replace the elevator? What is the payback period for the replacement decision? If Joley's uses a 11% discount rate to value projects, what is the NPV of the replacement decision? What is the Pl at 12.5%? If Joley's uses a 15% discount rate to value projects, what is the NPV of the replacement decision? What is the Pl at 16% What is the IRR of the replacement decision? https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/what-is-the-pl-at-16-what-is-the-irr-of-the-replacement-decision/

Six Sigma and Dynamic Models Application as an Important Quality Management Tool in Railway Companies

Six Sigma and Dynamic Models Application as an Important Quality Management Tool in Railway Companies This article discusses the different quality management tools such as Kaizen, Total Quality Management, Six Sigma used in the railway companies to improve the overall performance.  Read the article thoughtfully and answer the following questions:
  1. Summaries the article using your own words. (03 Marks) (250 – 300 words)
  2. According to the article, Total Service Management (Figure 1 - Transport Model) is a new adopted philosophy used in organizations to improve the quality levels. Discuss its efficiency as a quality management approach ( 03 Marks) (100 -150 words )
  3. Model Leonard Berry is one of dynamic models used to measure the service’s quality in railway passenger transport. Demonstrate its dimensions with specific examples. ( 03 Marks) (100 -150 words )
  4. Do you think that the dynamic models can help service companies to improve its customer’s satisfaction levels? Why? ( 03 Marks) (100 -150 words )
  5. To which extent do you think that the dynamic models is applicable in production industries? Explain, ( 03 Marks ) ( 150 – 200 words )
https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/six-sigma-and-dynamic-models-application/