
  1. List Aristotle’s six parts of drama in order.  Then, for each of the six parts, select a play from the list (6 plays in total) and briefly argue why the specific part of drama should be considered the most important part for this particular play.
List of plays from this semester in the order we discussed them: Antigone A Raisin in the Sun How I Learned to Drive Lysistrata Macbeth The Importance of Being Earnest Oklahoma Zoot Suit Noises Off Falsettos
  1. Define the following stage spaces: Proscenium, Arena, and Thrust.  Choose a play we’ve read/viewed in class that would be most effective on each type of stage (three plays in all), and briefly explain why this space is the best choice for each play.
List of plays from this semester in the order we discussed them: Antigone A Raisin in the Sun How I Learned to Drive Lysistrata Macbeth The Importance of Being Earnest Oklahoma Zoot Suit Noises Off Falsettos
  1. List at least four differences between Episodic and Climactic plot structure.  Cite one play we’ve read as an example of each (two plays in all), and specifically justify your chosen identification of plot structure.
List of plays from this semester in the order we discussed them: Antigone A Raisin in the Sun How I Learned to Drive Lysistrata Macbeth The Importance of Being Earnest Oklahoma Zoot Suit Noises Off Falsettos
  1. Compare and contrast the portrayal of racial prejudices in two plays we have read/viewed and determine how each play wants their audience to respond. You might consider how they address the following questions: Who holds the prejudices? Who suffers because of them?  How do the characters deal with the bigotry they experience or inflict?
    List of plays from this semester in the order we discussed them:   Antigone   A Raisin in the Sun   How I Learned to Drive   Lysistrata   Macbeth   The Importance of Being Earnest   Oklahoma   Zoot Suit   Noises Off   Falsettos      
  1. Depiction of gender roles onstage provide clues about the characters and the dramatic intentions of the playwright.  Choose two plays – one written before 1900 and one after.  Analyze the ways in which the playwrights deal with gender and/or the relationships between or among genders.  (Remember that feminism is a concept less than a century old.  Especially for older plays, think about the ways in which the playwright intended to portray gender relations and the different ways those relations might be performed and/or perceived today.)
List of plays from this semester in the order we discussed them: Antigone A Raisin in the Sun How I Learned to Drive Lysistrata Macbeth The Importance of Being Earnest Oklahoma Zoot Suit Noises Off Falsettos          
  1. The role of the parent is central to several of these plays – driving the action through their influence or absence.  Choose two plays.  Compare and contrast the significance of the parent figure/s in both works.  Some questions you might consider: Is the character defined by their role as a parent?  Are both parents present and, if so, do they work together harmoniously?  Are they presented as nurturing or destructive figures?  How important is their guiding influence – or the absence of it?  Be thorough and specific.
List of plays from this semester in the order we discussed them: Antigone A Raisin in the Sun How I Learned to Drive Lysistrata Macbeth The Importance of Being Earnest Oklahoma Zoot Suit Noises Off Falsettos & Answers/questions/

Ros sells whiteboard erasers

Ros sells whiteboard erasers.  She is paid a salary of $2,000 per calendar month and commission of 20% of sales she makes.  Her accounts for the current income year were as follows:   Receipts                                                                                                               $ Salary ($6,000 of this was for salary for the previous year which her employer was unable to pay her due to cash flow problems)                          30,000 Commissions                                                                                                    15,000 Long service leave (paid on 25 June of the current income year for 5 weeks leave commencing 30 June of the current income year)                                   2,500 Interest (Ros had invested $20,000 for 12 months on 5 January two years ago at 12%.  On termination of this period she reinvested the principal and interest, $22,400, for a further 12 months at 10%.  When the investment matured she withdrew the total funds in the current income year)                 24,640 Alimony payments from her former husband                                                    3,000 Clothing Allowance                                                                                           1,000 Rent from rental property                                                                                12,000   Payments Childcare costs                                                                                                   4,000 Interest repayments (Ros' study occupied 10% of the house.  She was provided with an office at her employer's premises but preferred to do some administrative work at home on the weekends.)                                    10,000 Home electricity expenses                                                                                 1,500 Conference expenses for Salespersons' Motivation Conference.  Held by the Institute of Salespersons.                                                                                250 Superannuation contributions to a private scheme                                            1,000 Dresses bought at the local shops to be used for work only                              1,800 Loan repayments on rental property loan.  Monthly repayments were $2,500 of which $2,250 represented interest.                                                  30,000 New hot water system for rental property to replace the old system which blew up after having been in use for 5 years.  It’s written down value at the date it was scrapped was $220.  The new hot water system had an effective life of 8 years and had been acquired on 15 October CY (do not pool)               500 New sofa on 1 December CY for use in rental property                                      290     Required:   Calculate Ros' taxable income and net tax payable for the current income year including Medicare levy.   Provide brief reasons for the exclusion of any items from the calculation. & Answers/ros-sells-whiteboard-erasers/

What essential elements should be included in a health teaching plan addressing physical, emotional, social, and spiritual challenges in adolescents?

What essential elements should be included in a health teaching plan addressing physical, emotional, social, and spiritual challenges in adolescents? & Answers/elements-should-be-included-in-a-health-teaching-plan/

Discuss factors that contribute to risk-taking behaviors and situations during adolescence

Discuss factors that contribute to risk-taking behaviors and situations during adolescence. What impact might stress play on this age group? Do you see any connection between stress and common adolescent risk factors? Consider the findings from the 2020 APA report Stress in America on millennials (pages 3-6 of the report) (Links to an external site.). one APA citation & Answers/discuss-factors-that-contribute-to-risk-taking-behaviors-and-situations-during-adolescence/

Funding Your Plan and ROI

Funding Your Plan and ROI 1) View the video on Project Economics Basics in this week's EOP videos and then use the Cost-Benefit Analysis Worksheet to calculate ROI, Payback, and IRR for your strategic initiative. The spreadsheet will calculate these items for you, but you will need to input the data from your analysis and forecasts, including:
  • The expected revenue impact for the organization from your plan
  • The costs of launching your plan, including:
    • Acquisition and/or sale of assets
    • Salary expenses including hiring, training or performance bonuses, if applicable
    • Manufacturing, marketing, operations overhead, etc.
  • Ongoing operating expenses that will be tied to the initiative once it is launched
  • Cost savings (if your project is focused on operational improvements)
(2) Review your cost-benefit analysis in the worksheet and briefly answer these questions:
  • How will you fund the startup and ongoing costs for your strategic initiative?
  • How will your plan improve the organization’s financial health relative to its competitors?
  • How does your plan compare to your company’s average (or industry average) profit margins for similar projects or services?
  • Why is your proposed plan superior to other options to strengthen the long-term financial health of the organization?
  • Provide a summary of how you arrived at your investment, revenue, and cost forecasts.
Important: Attach your completed Cost-Benefit Analysis Worksheet with your initial post. PART B - Your People Plan Staffing decisions will likely play a critical role in the successful implementation of your strategic plan. Referencing people management practices you have studied in this program and drawing on your own experience, address the following:
  • What changes to team structures and key roles will you need make to execute your strategic initiative? Explain.
  • Will the head count/salary costs be net positive, negative, or neutral? Why?
  • What training and other resources will you require to support the new plan?
  • What is the most critical element of your people plan that you will have to get right for your plan to work? & Answers/funding-your-plan-and-roi/

Choose a patient-care situation in which the RN should intervene and advocate for the patient

Choose a patient-care situation in which the RN should intervene and advocate for the patient. An example of such a situation might be when a patient has not been given complete informed consent. Include the following in your paper:
  • Describe the clinical situation concisely and descriptively. It can be an actual situation or a hypothetical one.
  • Apply the Bioethical Decision Making Model to the specific clinical ethical situation that you choose. Address each section of the model in your paper.
  • Conclude with a discussion of nursing advocacy in the clinical setting and the nurse’s role as a patient advocate.
Your paper should be 4-5 pages. You must reference and cite 1-2 scholarly sources other than your text. Include a title page and a reference page to cite your text and adhere to APA formatting. Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded. & Answers/patient-care-situation/

Discuss the elements of informed consent

Discuss the elements of informed consent. Provide a clinical example about what can happen when some elements are not adhered to. & Answers/elements-of-informed-consent/