the waste water treatment plant at a factory monitors the treated water for a variety of contaminants

Each day, the waste water treatment plant at a factory monitors the treated water for a variety of contaminants.  The contaminant of focus here is measured in parts per billion (ppb) with a threshold of 15 ppb.  Twenty five consecutive days of testing of five samples per day are shown in Table 1.
  • Using the all of the data, find trial control limits for a sample mean control chart, construct the chart, and plot the data. Discuss whether the process is in statistical control.
  • Using the all of the data, find trial control limits for a standard deviation control chart, construct the chart, and plot the data. Discuss whether the process is in statistical control.
  • If the sample mean for each group is plotted in sequence and a simple linear regression line fitted to it, the resulting regression coefficient for slope may indicate whether there is a systematic drift in the process. Find that slope and conduct a hypothesis test at the 0.05 significance level to determine whether there is sufficient evidence that the slope is not zero.
Group Set 1
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
1 11.04 13.14 13.10 16.79 12.56
2 13.53 9.56 15.06 10.04 7.75
3 17.29 15.55 14.35 17.99 13.86
4 13.73 19.85 14.70 17.48 11.25
5 14.28 10.36 15.39 12.16 14.05
6 15.85 12.88 14.22 10.30 12.30
7 14.69 7.48 15.77 11.38 19.52
8 13.06 15.00 16.06 8.68 11.94
9 15.62 14.08 13.32 15.38 13.12
10 11.79 8.11 11.31 9.88 17.22
11 10.88 12.80 8.44 10.63 9.98
12 12.70 13.90 14.83 13.88 18.27
13 10.73 11.36 11.91 6.34 12.65
14 15.91 7.40 14.64 15.58 8.18
15 16.95 9.80 13.39 9.85 14.91
16 7.76 6.25 13.46 16.33 14.72
17 12.68 11.89 7.84 12.57 10.13
18 15.06 16.27 13.21 12.64 10.34
19 14.64 8.20 13.86 15.67 6.98
20 14.45 14.44 14.38 16.21 13.34
21 11.50 15.20 13.31 8.70 17.42
22 15.26 11.86 11.81 15.56 9.85
23 12.71 12.51 10.42 9.57 15.36
24 15.11 8.44 9.07 11.18 16.73
25 10.49 15.89 14.54 15.15 13.66 & Answers/the-waste-water-treatment-plant-at-a-factory-monitors/

Nursing Question

Nursing Question - Assignment Content => One of the mandates of meaningful use is to leverage EHRs to reduce the cost of health care. In 2017, the cost of diagnosed diabetes was $327 billion in the United States—that is just for 1 year. In this assignment, you will explore quality measures associated with diabetes, as well as the quality improvement measures that will provide a means for gauging the health plan and provider performance. The goal of QPP is to improve health care (in this case diabetes in the patient population). By improving diabetes care, more patients will be able to manage their treatment effectively; more patients at risk for type 2 diabetes will be counseled on risk factors in a more effective manner, which may result in fewer new cases; there will be fewer readmissions for diabetes, etc.—all of which will lower the cost of care for diabetes.


Nursing Question - Assignment Resources

  Choose one of the following options as the method for completing the assignment
  • 1-1/2- to 2-page paper
Respond to the scenarios below: Scenario 1 Your organization has decided to voluntarily report the standards for adult diabetes care, which covers 6 areas of outpatient care: hemoglobin A1c management, lipid management, urine protein testing, eye examination, foot examination, and blood pressure management. Identify the data that would need to be collected for each area to make the report. Determine how the data should be entered into the EHR so it can be understood by others outside your organization (so it meets meaningful use requirements). In other words, what comprises the data? What format should it be entered? This is especially relevant to qualitative data. Explain the rationale for each quality measure.  

Nursing Question - Scenario 2

In reporting these measures, the organization has learned that it falls short of benchmarks and needs to improve on 4 of the 6 areas: hemoglobin A1c management, urine protein testing, foot examination, and blood pressure management. Identify the data that will need to be collected to facilitate quality improvement in each of these areas. Determine how the data should be entered into the EHR and explain how that will be used to improve quality. Identify the benchmarks for each of the quality measures. Scenario 3 Your organization is looking to reduce the incidents of diabetes-related complications among its patients. There is a planned intervention to target the patients most at risk for diabetes-related complications with a new educational campaign that aims at improving awareness of their level of risk. The campaign will also work to enroll patients in programs that pertain to their individual risks (e.g., smoking cessation class for smokers). Use the DIKW paradigm to show how this can be accomplished. Beginning with data, determine what data will need to be collected to identify the patients who have a diagnosis of diabetes and who are most at risk of suffering a diabetes-related complication.   Explain how the raw data can be transformed into information and that information into knowledge and then into wisdom. How will this support decision-making regarding who will be targeted with the intervention and the types of programs that will address their particular risk factor? Include a minimum of 3 professional references to support your work. (If your deliverable is a podcast, attach a document file with your references.) & Answers/nursing-question/

Discuss the more common leadership development training approaches & Answers/discuss-the-more-common-leadership-development-training-approaches/

Work on Linear Quadratic and Cubic Functions

  Work on Linear Quadratic and Cubic Functions Work on Linear, Quadratic, and Cubic Functions  

x^3 + y^3 = (x + y) (x^2 - xy + y^2)

implies x^2 - xy + y^2 = 5

Now 3(x-y)^2 + (x+y)^2 = 4(x^2 - xy + y^2)

So 3(x-y)^2 = 16

Lastly, x^2 + y^2 = (1/2)[(x+y)^2 + (x-y)^2]

= (1/2)(2^2 + 16/3) = 14/3 & Answers/work-on-linear-quadratic-and-cubic-functions/

What important substance can be found in dark craters at the Moon's poles?

What important substance can be found in dark craters at the Moon's poles? 2. (2 pts) Why is Enceladus one of the best places in the Solar System to look for life? 3. (2 pts) What are the two places in the Solar System that Comets come from? 4. (2 pts) Imagine that you want to figure out how old a mineral sample is. The isotope Potassium-40 decays to Argon-40 with a half life of 1.25 billion years. In your sample, half of the Potassium-40 has decayed to Argon-40. How old is your mineral? 5. (2 pts) In a protoplanetary disk, what is the frost line? 6. (2 pts) The elements hydrogen, helium, and lithium came from the Big Bang. Where did the Earth's heavier elements such as Iron and Silicon come from? 7. (2 pts) What might have caused the solar nebula (cloud of gas and dust) to collapse in on itself and start the formation of our Solar System? 8. (2 pts) Which planet in our Solar System has an extreme greenhouse effect and what gas causes this? 9. (1 pt) According to the Giant Impact Hypothesis, what was the size of the planet that smashed into Earth about 4.5 billion years ago: was it about the size of Mars or of Jupiter? 10. (4 pts) The DART mission is designed to test NASA's ability to deflect a hazardous asteroid and prevent it from hitting Earth (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.). Note that NASA is testing the technology on an asteroid that is NOT a hazard to Earth. In a few sentences describe: (a) How the DART mission will deflect the asteroid. (b) How NASA will measure the change in the orbit of Dimorphos after the spacecraft hits it. & Answers/what-important-substance-can-be-found-in-dark-craters-at-the-moons-poles/

Are the children who were aware of the cheating scheme purely victims in this situation

Are the children who were aware of the cheating scheme purely victims in this situation, or should they also be considered unethical? Explain your answer using one of the four approaches to deciding ethical dilemmas. (3 Marks) & Answers/are-the-children-who-were-aware-of-the-cheating-scheme-purely-victims-in-this-situation/

Based on what you have learned about Rick Singer

Based on what you have learned about Rick Singer, his involvement, and his decision to cooperate in the investigation, where would you place his level of moral development? Explain your answer. (3 Marks) & Answers/based-on-what-you-have-learned-about-rick-singer/