"Name the following compound, and state how many hydrogen atoms it contains per formula unit: Ni(C2H3O2)2·4H2O."

"Name the following compound, and state how many hydrogen atoms it contains per formula unit: Ni(C2H3O2)2·4H2O." https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/name-the-following-compound-and-state-how-many-hydrogen-atoms-it-contains-per-formula-unit-nic2h3o22a%c2%b74h2o-2/?feed_id=1787&_unique_id=6315f0aea4002

A man by night breaks into the dwelling house of another for the purpose of taking his own goods which are wrongfully detained there. Is he guilty of any, and if so, what crime ? Reasons.

A man by night breaks into the dwelling house of another for the purpose of taking his own goods which are wrongfully detained there. Is he guilty of any, and if so, what crime ? Reasons. https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/a-man-by-night-breaks-into-the-dwelling-house-of-another-for-the-purpose-of-taking-his-own-goods-which-are-wrongfully-detained-there-is-he-guilty-of-any-and-if-so-what-crime-reasons/?feed_id=1785&_unique_id=6315ef4505fd8

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What is the physical layer of SS7 protocol? https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/what-is-the-physical-layer-of-ss7-protocol/?feed_id=1782&_unique_id=6315ee146eae1

Illustarte the diagramatic view of Isobutane's structure.

Illustarte the diagramatic view of Isobutane's structure. https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/illustarte-the-diagramatic-view-of-isobutanes-structure/?feed_id=1780&_unique_id=6315ecb2d665d

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What is the importance of Norms in Culture? https://www.studyhelpus.com/Questions & Answers/what-is-the-importance-of-norms-in-culture/?feed_id=1778&_unique_id=6315eb84389e2

Scholarships for college students

Scholarships and grants

Scholarships for college students greatly help students to study better by having least worries about paying their fees. The student debt continues to increase which not only burdens the students themselves but greatly jeopardizes their ability to enjoy their career life. Scholarships offered to college students have become an easy option for learners to pay for their school fees. Many well-wishers have come together to save many families from going bankrupt as they try to finance the education of their children.

Scholarships for college students 2021

The large number of international scholars program helps to substantiate the cost of education. In the United States, students debts is termed as 21st century disaster that is waiting to malign the future generation and the progress of the economy. According the Newyoker and Forbes, the student loan debt stands at $1.5 trillion, a figure that threaten the future of over 3rd of Americans. There are many websites providing legit guide on the places one can find genuine Scholarships and grants. It is, therefore, advisable to encourage students to seep financial support to avoid accumulating excess student loans that will turn into a burden in the future.

Broke college student scholarship

The cost of college education is getting out of hand. Parent’s contribution to a student’s financial aid pie is significant. They save for their children’s college tuition for the better part of their career, and even then, a student may have to take scholarships for college students supplement the parent’s contribution.

Princeton Review carried out a survey that revealed scholarships for college students applicants are no longer worrying about not getting into the college of choice as much as they are about the debt they are going to accumulate for their studies. The average annual cost of studying in a public four-year institution is over $20,000, and in private colleges, it can reach over $30,000 per year. Indicators show that these costs will continue to rise.

The high cost of high education has become an obstacle for some young people to pursue their dreams and scholarship programs aid in removing this obstacle by providing financial assistance to a student to pay for their education. The students that qualify for scholarships get a huge relief since it pays part or all of their college fees. Scholarships are provided by many companies, foundations, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, etc. For the year 2020-2021, numerous Scholarships and grants are available, and all one had to do is to check their eligibility criteria, and apply.

How do I find scholarships?

The list below presents several types of scholarships available that you can  apply. The good thing about this scholarships is they never expire and the companies always have a recurring support for students.

scholarships for college studentsAmount ($)
Supercollege  Scholarship1,000
Live Mas ScholarshipVaries
Girls Impact The World Scholarship2,273
Delta Theta Chi Sorority National Scholarship1,00
Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund10,000
Unigo $10k Scholarship10,000
Technology Addiction Awareness Scholarship1,000
$1,000 Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship1,000
Undergraduate Cybersecurity Scholarship5,000
10th Annual Scholarship CompetitionVaries
AFA Teens for Alzheimer’s Awareness College Scholarship5,000
Alaska Airmen Scholarships2,500
Animal Welfare Institute Scholarship2,000
Alisa’s Angels Foundation Scholarship5,000
Arts for Life Scholarship1,000
Student Arts Scholarships1,500
Crain Scholarship Program5,000
Elms College Scholarship10,000
Iowa Financial Know-How Challenge: Senior Scholarship2,000
State Fair Scholarship1,000
Viceroy Auto Trans Scholarship1,000
Robert Felix Memorial Scholarship Program5,000
Bonnie Appleton Memorial Scholarship Program5,000
Toptal Scholarship10,000
Western Digital Scholarship2,500
You Deserve it Scholarship1,000
Beyond the Boroughs Scholarship20,000
Cottage Inn ScholarshipVaries
LA Tutors Innovation in Education Scholarship500
Projectslamps.com Entrepreneurial Scholarships1,000
Shawn Carter FoundationVaries
Porch scholarship$2000
Helen Lansdowne Resor Scholarship2,000



Receiving a grant is one way that a person can get their student loan forgiven. Therefore, for an individual that is looking for a means to payoff this debt, they should not ignore grants. These are valuable sources of finance that can help a student to make their dreams a reality. Every year, more than $40 billion goes to students in the USA in the form of scholarships and grants by the Department of Education, universities, and colleges. Also, more than 3 billion in grants and scholarships comes from organizations, foundations, civic societies, churches, individuals, associations, and many others

Are Grants Different From Scholarships?

It is one of the common questions that people ask, and the answer is that they are a lot similar, but have a few differences that set them apart. One of their core differences is that while scholarships can be need and merit-based, most grants are need-based. It does not mean that academic merit is not part of the criteria for consideration, only that the priority is the students in need of financial aid.

There are award-for-service grants that are aligned with a particular field of study. In most cases, they address some of the critical issues that may be facing a particular area, such as the shortage of healthcare providers in remote facilities or shortages of social workers and teachers. This form of grant is given to the person that agrees to particular terms of service, such as providing services in an undeserved community or a critical need facility for a predetermined period. If one is provided with the grant and they fail to meet the terms of service, they will have to repay the amount awarded plus the interest accumulated.

Grants Categories
  • Career-based aid
  • Federal aid
  • State-based aid
  • Military aid

Career-Based Grants

It refers to the programs that focus on providing aid to persons that have studied in specific fields that need help paying off their student loans. Sometimes, such grants are provided on a national level, by the state or colleges.

1.Grants for healthcare professionals
  • The HIS repayment program. It is a program dedicated to health professionals. The program fund the professionals in the healthcare field in exchange for them accepting to provide two years of service to facilities that are providing care to Alaska Native communities and American Indian communities. The opportunities for services is in the facilities that are experiencing staffing problems in specific disciplines. The recipient of the grant has the freedom to renew the contract yearly, till all their student debt is fully settled.

Healthcare Scholarships and grants

Scholarships and grants

  • NHSC loan repayment program. The National Health Service Corps provides licensed clinicians in various fields with loan repayment assistance. The requirement is for a clinician to work for two years in the area designated by NHSC. The eligibility areas include dental care, primary care areas, behavioral, and mental health areas. The grant package for the two years of service is $50,000.
  • Nurse Corps Loan Repayment program. It is a grant that targets professionals in the nursing field. The support is to the advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), Registered Nurses (RN), and Nurse Faculty (NF). The grant pays off 85 percent of student loan debt. The beneficiary works for a minimum of two years in a critical shortage facility anywhere in the country. Alternatively, they can work in a school of nursing as a nurse faculty.
  • NIH Loan Repayment Programs. It is a grant under the National Institute of Health that focuses on paying educational debts for professionals in behavioral and biomedical research careers. The program offers an annual grant of $50,000 to the beneficiaries in exchange for their commitment to participate in NIH research activities. They also award the grant to researchers not currently employed by the Institute. The objective is to assist the applicants that exhibit the potential to establish and sustain a career in research.


Grants for teachers

  • Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program. It is a program that offers grants to teachers that agree to teach in an educational service agency or a low-income school for five consecutive years. They provide a grant amounting to $17,500. Even in a situation where a teacher is unable to complete the final year, they assume that one has completed the full five-year term as long as they fulfilled their responsibilities for at least half of the year.
  • Federal Perkins Loan Cancellation. The amount provided in grants by this program is dependent on the eligibility of the individual, the kind of teaching service they offer, and the duration of service. One hundred percent cancellation of the debt occurs when the person agrees to work full-time in an elementary or secondary school. They can serve in the institution as a teacher or a special education teacher, such as a teacher for children and youth with disabilities. Alternatively, they can teach in the fields of foreign languages, science, mathematics, bilingual education, or any other area the state education agency determines to be experiencing a shortage of qualified teachers.

Grants for vets

  • The Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program. VMLRP pays up to 25,000 per year for the qualifying veterinarians. The veterinary professional has to agree to work or three years in the location that the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) decides. They go to areas with a problem of shortage of personnel. One of the requirements of qualifying for this grant is that the applicant’s vet school debt should be at least $15,000.

Grants for lawyers

  • Herbert S. Garten Loan Repayment Assistance Program. The program offers the participants grants of up to $5,600 per year, and their eligibility will determine if they will continue to get the money for the full three years. The condition for this grant is the attorney to use the money to pay their law school loans and interest and should agree to work for the organization’s grantees. The loan given as grant is forgiven when the attorney remains in good standing with the grantee throughout the 3-year term. The attorney’s student loan should be at least $75,000.
  • The Department of Justice Attorney Student Loan Repayment Program. The grant program offers $6,000 per year. The selection for this program takes place every spring. It considers the Justice Department employees that are servicing as attorneys. The selection process for this grant is highly competitive, and it comes with a 3-year service obligation to the Department. Also, the attorney’s student debt must be more than $10,000.When the attorney fails to complete the full term of service, they should refund all the money to the Department
  • John R. Justice Student Loan Repayment Program. This program provides grants from $4,000 up to $6, The grant is available for both federal and state public defenders as well as state prosecutors that will agree to serve in the position for three years. Failure to complete the term, the amount received should be refunded.


Federal Grants

  • Public service Loan Forgiveness. The persons eligible for PSLF are those working full-time in the federal, state, and local government. Even the persons working for nonprofit organizations may qualify. The student loan is forgiven after the person owing the money makes monthly payments for 120 months while in employment.
  • Income-driven Repayment Forgiveness. It is a plan for a student loan forgiveness that starts by setting the monthly payment amount according to the income one is earning. There are four types of plans, which include the IBR Plan, REPAYE Plan, PAYE Plan, and ICR Plan. The monthly payments depend on the person’s plan. For the persons under REPAYE and IBR plan, they make the monthly payments for either 20 or 25 years, depending on various circumstances. For PAYE Plan and ICR Plan, it is 20 and 25 years, respectively. The remaining balance under the four plans is forgiven if the loan is not yet paid in full.


State-based Grants

  • New York State Young Farmers Loan Forgiveness Incentive Program. The program is an incentive for encouraging graduates to pursue farming. The loan forgiveness award is for college graduates from NYS  approved college or University and they agree to work full-time on a farm for five years. The candidate must be a New York State resident and have been living there for the 12 months before submitting their application. The maximum amount is $50,000, through yearly payments of $10,000.
  • Stem Loan Forgiveness Program. The people that are eligible for this grant by North Dakota are working in the Stem-related occupations. They are in the fields of either science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. The objective is to lower debts that are owed by graduates in the state of North Dakota. It offers up to $6,000. The qualifying person must be earning a maximum annual income of $60,000 or less in a STEM-related field.
  • Alfond Leaders Student Reduction Program. It is a grant program by the state of Maine. The loan repayment assistance is available to persons with an occupation in the STEM field and working for a Maine-based employer. The maximum amount of money this program can offer is $60,000. The applicant should either be a resident of Maine or looking to become one after they get a job in Maine
  • NYS Child Welfare Worker Loan Forgiveness Incentive Program. The New York state provides it to the persons working in the state’s child licensed welfare agencies. The maximum that one can receive is an annual payment of $10,000 for five years. The applicant must be an NYS resident and has been in the state in the last 12 months. They also must have graduated from an institution in NYS and make the application within two years after completing school.
  • Bachelor of Science Nursing Loan Repayment Program. The grant is available in the state of California for a registered nurse with a BSN degree. It offers $10,000 to repay student loans, under the condition that the RN will provide their services in a Californian health facility for a year, working a minimum of 32 hours a week
  • Veterans’ Home Medical Providers’ Loan Repayment Program. It is a grant established by the state of Illinois. It is an incentive that if offered to medical professionals to continue or begin their service in Illinois state veteran’s homes. The grant is for physicians, registered nurses, certified nursing assistants, certified nurse practitioners, and practical nurses. Its annual amount of $5,000 is payable for four years.
  • Delaware State Loan Repayment Program. It is a grant provided by the state of Delaware. The objective of the grant is to create a healthier community by retaining and hiring healthcare professionals to practice in both the urban and rural settings. It provides up to $100,000 to the primary care, dental and mental health professionals in exchange for two consecutive years of service in the facilities within the state of Delaware that are experiencing a shortage of staff.


Military Grants

  • Military College Loan Repayment Program. The congress established this program under the GI Bill. It grants the resources to pay for the education of the military personnel once they have completed their term of duty. It settles the student debts for up to$65,000 for those that enlisted in the army after completing their college education. The full amount of $65,000 for the active army and navy recruits, Army and Navy reserves get $20,000.
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant. It is a grant for a person whose parent or guardian died when providing military service in Iraq or Afghanistan. The grant pays off the beneficiary’s student loan. For one to be eligible, they must have been under 24 years during the time of the death of the parent or guardian.
  • Active Duty Health Professions Loan Repayment Program. It is a grant that is offered to healthcare professionals that choose to work in the military. Those that enlist in the army are offered $40,000 annually for three years to repay their student loans.

What kinds of scholarships are available?

Scholarships for college students 2020-21 are many as listed in this article. You can apply for any of them at your own time. Students are welcome to try the Scholarships and grants provided here, and search for many others online since there are varieties that serve different purposes based on the provider’s needs. Do not become a debt victim by taking excess loans to finance your education.



PhD loans

You may be eligible for a PhD loan of up to £26,455 (2020/21), read our PhD loans page for more details.

The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding

The University also subscribes to the The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding Online. The Guide contains a huge database of funding opportunities, comprehensive guidance written by successful applicants, and numerous tools to help you prepare a winning grant application.

If you are a current Sussex student you can register for the Guide with your Sussex email address. If you are a prospective postgraduate student who has applied to Sussex, please use the following authentication PIN to register for the Guide: 6789

Our Doctoral Training Centres and Partnerships

We have scholarships and studentships funded by the following doctoral training centres and partnerships:

Our doctoral training partnerships and centres funded by the UK Research Councils (UK Research and Innovation) are open to UK and International students according to the UKRI student eligibility rules. Up to 30% of each cohort of students may be International, but International PhD fees are not covered by the scholarships.

For information on eligibility, please check the current UKRI guidance.

Ways to pay for your research, training and living costs

You can also:

  • look for a part-time job (on campus or in Brighton & Hove) - you may have working restrictions if you have a visa
  • teach other students (this depends on your project and where you're based, so check with your supervisor or research group)
  • apply for researcher funding while you study through the Doctoral School.

You may be eligible for the Disabled Students Allowance If you have a learning difficulty, health problem or disabiity. Email studentsupport@sussex.ac.uk for information on disability support.



Scholarships, bursaries and discounts for international students




An investment in your future

Have you ever wondered what a UK education can do for you? Alongside a world-class qualification, studying in the UK will give you the opportunity to experience a new culture, network with students and professionals from all over the world, and gain skills to help further your career development. 

There are various financial support options available to help fund your studies in the UK. This includes scholarships, grants, bursaries, fellowships, financial awards and loans.

Anything is possible

Receiving financial support could help you achieve your dreams – be it progressing your career, starting your own business or bringing change and opportunity to your community. In our film above, scholarship recipients talk about how the opportunity has transformed their lives. They have one piece of advice for students thinking of applying for a scholarship: ‘Just go for it!’

Scholarships and financial support

The UK government offers hundreds of scholarships, bursaries and additional financial support to students from several countries. You can visit the UKCISA (UK Council for International Student Affairs) website


World Bank Scholarships Program

The World Bank’s Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC) provides scholarships to students and young researchers, contributing to the World Bank’s mission of forging new dynamic approaches to capacity development and knowledge sharing in the developing world.

It is an important component of the World Bank’s efforts to promote economic development and shared prosperity through investing in education, capacity building, and developing human resources in the developing world. 

Since 1982, the DEC’s scholarship programs have helped to form a pool of over 6,000 well-trained and experienced development professionals and scholars, transforming their countries and positively impacting future generations.

Active Programs

  • Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJWBGSP): Since 1987, JJWBGSP has enabled more than 6,000 mid-career professionals from 160 developing countries and Japan to complete graduate degrees in development-related fields. On an annual basis, the Government of Japan solely funds the JJWBGSP.
  • Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program (RSMFP): Since 1982, RSMFP has provided support to young researchers on a wide variety of topics in development-related fields. Currently, the program connects promising young researchers to World Bank research, data resources, and tech­nical expertise. Selected fellows are hosted as a cohort at the World Bank in Washington D.C. and work on DEC research projects, receiving formal training and participating in policy relevant research.

Inactive Program

Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Program (JIPS): This Program is no longer accepting applications. With a one-time $10 million grant from the Government of Japan, this scholarship supported three cohorts (2008–2010) of 43 Indonesian PhD students to study abroad under the sponsorship of one of the program’s ten partner Indonesian universities. This window is now closed to new applicants.



How To Write A Comparative Essay

 How To Write A Comparative Essay

Knowing how to How To Write A Comparative Essay is important for for any student. A compare and contrast essay tries to establish the link that exists between two subjects. By comparing, the writer can find their similarities, and by contrast, one gets the chance to evaluate their differences.

How To Write A Comparative Essay

Choosing the Subject

It applies in instances where a college student is not provided with a topic. Therefore, the first thing to note is that the two subjects should be different but of the same ballpark. For example, when choosing to write about two historical figures, one should choose two politicians rather than one politician and one artist.


The next step is for carrying out extensive research on the two subjects while noting their similarities and their differences. The best way is to research one at a time and then take time to analyze their similarities and differences. The aspects or qualities selected should be parallel to each other.

Decide the organizational structure of the essay

There are different structures a student could utilize for organizing a compare and contrast essay. The first one is deciding to focus on a single subject or object at a time. In such a case, the writer discusses one of them in detail before moving to the other. For instance, if the writing is about comparing men and women, the student may begin by writing all the qualities of men, and then address the qualities of women.

The other strategy is discussing the similarities and differences point by point. The writer may begin by discussing the similarities shared by the subjects and then move to their difference, one point after the other.

Create an outline 

Creating an organized outline is key if you want to How To Write A Comparative Essay. It would be best to prepare an outline depending on the structure selected. However, regardless of the organization of points, it should include an introduction, the body paragraphs a concluding paragraph.

Include the supporting evidence

The learner should have proof to back up the assertion presented. This evidence can come from personal experience, from what one reads, or research. For every information included in the essay, ensure to explain the reason it matters in the argument.

Proofread and revise

It is essential in writing to can check grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Students could even utilize a grammar check tool to improve their writing. If possible, get a friend to revise your essay since they can spot the mistakes you did not see.


Writing a comparative essay

  1. Read the topic carefully. Make sure that you understand exactly what the topic is asking you to do. ...
  2. Give roughly equal weight to each text. ...
  3. Choose your preferred structure. ...
  4. Focus on differences as well as similarities. ...
  5. Use linking words and phrases. ...
  6. Explore a range of elements.


Comparative essay Sample: Parenting 101

The film previews are finished, and the movie theater is quiet as everyone waits for the feature film to begin. 1 (However / In contrast), the stillness is suddenly broken by a noise. The audience hears a sniffle1. The sniffle soon turns to a cry, then a wail. There is an uncomfortable, or perhaps unhappy, toddler sitting in the movie theater. People start shuffling in their seats as they wait for what will happen next. Will the child be taken out of the theater, or will the parent pretend that everything
is OK? Scenarios like these happen regularly. The parents’ reaction depends on their parenting style. The two extremes are the lenient (laissez-faire2) parent and the strict disciplinarian3 parent.

Lenient parents often focus on their child having fun and enjoying being a kid. If a child does something careless like break a glass, lenient parents will not become angry or scream. They know that the child is probably experimenting and meant no harm. Likewise, the parents may even explain to the child that it was an accident and the child should not be upset. 2 (In contrast / Similarly), lenient parents may not be too concerned about following a schedule. They will allow their children to stay up late and experience new things. The motto “You’re only a kid once!” rings very true to these free spirits. These types of parents see themselves as guides for their children, which cannot be said about the second parenting group: the disciplinarians. 3 Disciplinarian parents consider themselves role models for their children.

(Unlike / Similarly) lenient parents, their main priorities are the safety and protection of their children. In essence, children are monitored very carefully and may not be allowed to play outside, interact with animals, or roughhouse4 in general. A child who experiences a strict upbringing may be encouraged to focus on his or her studies instead of making friends. 4 (In addition / However), interaction may be limited to only close family members. Children who are raised in highly disciplined environments are typically very focused on their schoolwork. 4 In the end, no parents are truly 100 percent lenient or 100 percent strict when it comes to raising their child. Most fall somewhere in the middle depending on the child, the environment, and the particular situation. 5 (Nevertheless / Similarly), parents clearly lean toward one or the other parenting style. Society knows that both child-rearing styles have advantages and disadvantages, but the more interesting question is this: Which style will these children choose when the time comes for them to become parents?